300 LAUSD Students Learn It’s Never Too Early to Become Successful
Youth are obligated to become successful – that was the message to hundreds of local students who attended the Future Entrepreneurs Conference (FEC) last Friday at West LA College.
Youth are obligated to become successful – that was the message to hundreds of local students who attended the Future Entrepreneurs Conference (FEC) last Friday at West LA College.
Former West Los Angeles College sprinter Jordon Smith now competes for the Oklahoma State track and field.
The West Los Angeles College (WLAC) Wildcats men’s and women’s track and field teams had a successful season. The women’s 4x400m squad won the State Title. The entire women’s team won and the men’s team came in second in the 2023 Western States Conference (WSC) Championships.
Assemblymember Isaac G. Bryan (D-55, Los Angeles) held his Annual Christmas in the Park celebration this past Sunday drawing thousands of local residents to the historic Leimert Plaza Park.
Top 10 National News Stories of 2022
A new partnership between local community college, West Los Angeles College (WLAC), and major California dental employer,West Coast Dental, Inc. (WCD), is helping to address the urgent need for qualified dental assistants throughout the state. In just three months, over 40 students who have participated in this free training program have been hired.
The Dorsey Dons boys’ basketball team will be heading into a new era as Robert Washington was recently hired as their head coach.
Kamryn Stone of Los Angeles was on the first day of a job working for a company hired to clean up the area, his father told CBS2.
As far as Nakisha “Nikki” McFadden is concerned, community college is a financial investment that offers an incomparable bang for the buck