Toni Klugh: Destined for Community
Toni Klugh is in her fifth year as principal of Community Magnet Charter School, a National Blue Ribbon and California Distinguished Elementary School located in Bel-Air neighborhood of Los Angeles.
Toni Klugh is in her fifth year as principal of Community Magnet Charter School, a National Blue Ribbon and California Distinguished Elementary School located in Bel-Air neighborhood of Los Angeles.
K-12 students returning to school this month face teacher shortages, pitched battles over curricula, and pandemic-era learning gaps, teachers and education officials explained at an August 18 briefing held by Ethnic Media Services.
Thousands of service workers backed by teachers began a three-day strike against the Los Angeles Unified School District on Tuesday, March 21, shutting down education for a half-million students in the nation’s second-largest school system.
Everywhere, it seems, back-to-school has been shadowed by worries of a teacher shortage. The U.S. education secretary has called for investment to keep teachers from quitting. A teachers union leader has described it as a five-alarm emergency. News coverage has warned of a crisis in teaching. In reality, there is little evidence to suggest teacher turnover has increased nationwide or educators are leaving in droves. Certainly, many schools have struggled to find enough educators. But the challenges are related more to hiring, especially for non-teaching staff positions. Schools flush with federal pandemic relief money are creating new positions and struggling
Los Angeles Unified School District’s Black Student Achievement Plan presented “Black Excellence Undenied,” a six-day symposium for administrators, teachers, parents and community members.
The Parent Revolution is focused on the well-being of underrepresented families. Jay Artis- Wright is leading a “parent-organized” nonprofit, a collective community unified under the mission for change.
The state Education Department is asking South Carolina lawmakers to increase pay for all teachers by 2% next school year.
As middle school teacher Brittany Paschall assembled a lesson plan on the history of the Negro Baseball Leagues, she wondered how she might have to go about it differently next year under a new Tennessee state law that prohibits teaching certain concepts of race and racism.
The Tulsa Race Massacre is a prime example of inflaming issues and ignoring history. They both significantly lead to the inability and failure to learn the real lessons that true history can teach us. It was the inflammatory reporting of the chance encounter of a young Black man, Dick Rowland; and a young white elevator operator, Sarah Page, that ignited one of the deadliest episodes of racial violence in our nation’s history.
WHAM Program brings hands on experiments and lessons to high schools and middle schools
Despite the insistence of Los Angeles Unified’s superintendent and the teachers’ union that all educators and staff be vaccinated against COVID-19 before schools reopen, the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said today vaccinations should not be a prerequisite for returning students to campus.
Addressing the disparities surrounding COVID-19 and other illnesses, Dr. Fauci pointed to many African Americans, Latinx, and Native Americans occupying essential jobs that provide employees with little — or no — protection.
If one of your resolutions for the start of the new calendar year is the pursuit of that ever-elusive dream job, you’re not alone. A survey of 2,000 American adults taken by the virtual phone company, TollFreeForwarding, revealed that only about 24% of respondents will ever get to become what they wanted to be when they were younger. And just a tiny fraction of us — only 10% — can make that claim right now.
“A Bernie Sanders presidency means an America where folks don’t die because they’ve got to rotate out their insulin to make sure it lasts. We are looking for an America where hospitals are not closing but are expanding services to vulnerable communities. We want a healthcare system that is not commodified. That’s it and that’s all.” — Senator Nina Turner
The no votes on Measure EE led 52.24%-47.76% with 539 of 888 precincts, 60.7%, reporting, according to figures released by the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk.