racial equity

UNLV to implement new tools for racial equity, inclusion

A University of Nevada, Las Vegas task force has responded to racial unrest following the death of a man in police custody in Minnesota with recommendations to address safety, equity and inclusion among Black students and employees.

Report: Blacks Seven-Times More Likely than Whites to Be Wrongfully Convicted of Murder

“From their very first interaction with the police, to being arrested, booked, charged, convicted, and sentenced, Black people are discriminated against and disproportionately criminalized at every stage of the criminal justice system,” according to the Innocence Project report, #BlackBehindBars: Sparking a conversation on the Black wrongful conviction experience in the U.S.

Report Reveals How the NCAA Shortchanges Black Men 

A  new issue brief from the Center for American Progress (CAP), a Washington D.C.-based a nonpartisan research and educational institute, paints a vivid portrait of how college athletics distort the reality of black male experiences on college campuses and raises significant concerns about racial equity in college admissions and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).