Martin L. Adams

Cynthia McClain-Hill Elected President of LA Board of Water and Power Commissioners, Susana Reyes Elected Vice President

Attorney and public policy strategist Cynthia McClain-Hill was elected today as President of the Board of Water and Power Commissioners, and Commissioner Susana Reyes, a retired LADWP customer service director for low-income programs and sustainability advisor to Mayor Eric Garcetti, was elected the Board’s Vice President. McClain-Hill replaces former U.S. Congressman Mel Levine, who has served as Board President since 2013—the longest-running term of any Board of Water and Power Commission President. Mr. Levine nominated both for their respective positions, which were approved today by the Board.

LADWP Commitment to Fostering Gender Equity Honored by Society of Women Engineers

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) was honored with two Society of Women Engineers (SWE) “WE Local” awards this month at the WE Local San Diego conference in San Diego, Calif. The Department received the Sustaining Benefactor award, while its LADWP-SWE chapter was selected for the Outstanding Professional Development Event award.