
Los Angeles City Mayor Discusses New Channels of Funding in Light of a Three- Layered Crisis, in Health, Finance, and Social Concern

Wednesday, June 10, Los Angeles City Mayor Eric Garcetti examined the progressive steps that will take place within the city budget. Garcetti acknowledged the three-layered crisis the world is experiencing together; health, economic, and social concerns have all increased and shown the perilous threat they have if left unchanged.

Housing the Homeless: COVID-19 Has Forced California’s Hand

Earlier this month, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced that California was the first state in the nation to secure Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funding to place unsheltered people in hotel rooms at no cost to them. The state’s action is providing safe isolation for tens of thousands of homeless Californians during the global COVID-19 pandemic.    

L.A. Homeless Services Authority Debuts Method of Tracking Available Housing

The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, which oversees the region’s efforts to combat homelessness but has faced some questions over the speed and scope of its work, unveiled an operational strategy today that it says will mirror responses to natural disasters. LAHSA interim executive director Heidi Marston said the Housing Central Command is an effort to revamp how city, county and federal agencies work together and increase the speed and effectiveness of getting homeless people into available housing. The HCC will use real-time data of the area’s permanent supportive housing availability as well as funding streams, available vacant units and