
Award-Winning Actress Regina King Opens Up About Sleeper Hit “If Beale Street Could Talk”

At 7 p.m. Central time last Wednesday, I was in full-listen mode as King – fresh from her Golden-Globe winning evening – talked about her role in “If Beale Street Could Talk” with more than a thousand faith leaders, community activists, sororities and fraternities and African-American news outlets on the line.

COMMENTARY: Living in America While Being Black Under the Trump Regime 

“The buying power of the African American community is $1.1 trillion, but it only circulates 6 hours in our community, and the Asians keep a dollar in their community 120 times longer than African Americans. The Jewish keep the dollar in their community for 20 days, and the dollar in the White community circulates 17 days.” 

Paid Family Leave survey

A coalition of employment and health advocates are conducting a survey to help improve state and workplace policies for Californians who work and support a family member, friend, or loved on with a serious health condition or disability.