Criminal Justice Reform

New Report Shows Number of People Killed by Police Skyrocketed in 2020

The new report revealed that at least 28 percent of those killed were African Americans, who make up just 13 percent of the U.S. population. Although this figure is staggering, the Center for American Progress (CAP) noted that it is almost certainly under-represents the actual number of civilians who died while in the custody of the criminal justice system.

Black News Channel’s Kelly Wright Interviews President Trump

It not only marked Trump’s first time on the network but also his initial interview with any African American-owned media. The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), the trade association of 230 Black-owned newspapers and media companies that comprise the Black Press of America, has repeatedly requested interviews with the president throughout his nearly four years in office.

Sentinel Exclusive: Governor ‘Reimagines Policing’ with Criminal Justice and Policing Reforms

Erasing all doubt about actions needed following the killing of George Floyd, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced his unequivocal support for criminal justice and policing reform on June 5.
According to Newsom, his staff will work towards developing a statewide standard for policing peaceful protests and ending the carotid hold, the major factor leading to Floyd’s death on May 25.

Sen. Harris Invites Elder Joe Paul to President’s State of the Union Address

“Very excited” was the response of Elder Joseph Paul, Jr., upon learning that U.S. Senator Kamala Harris invited him to be her guest at President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday, Feb. 4. Paul is a seasoned reentry professional with more than 25 years of working with ex-offenders, high-risk adults, and various community service and faith-based organizations. Thanks to Harris, he will be among the audience of elected officials, Supreme Court justices and dignitaries who will gather as Trump delivers the final message of his term in the chamber of the United States House of Representatives at the United States Capitol

INTERVIEW: Protecting Democracy – An Interview with Sen. Nina Turner

“A Bernie Sanders presidency means an America where folks don’t die because they’ve got to rotate out their insulin to make sure it lasts. We are looking for an America where hospitals are not closing but are expanding services to vulnerable communities. We want a healthcare system that is not commodified. That’s it and that’s all.” — Senator Nina Turner