Bakewell Media

Blow the Trumpet! – Conquer The World Part 18.  

Who does not want to “conquer the world” and overcome life’s challenges? Moses had been faithful. He had led the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage, parted the Red Sea, endured the plagues and more. He died. God needed a successor to continue leading and guiding the Israelites through the wilderness and to the “Promised Land.”   

Supporting South Africa’s Holding Israel Accountable: Rightfully Resisting Acts and Justifications of Genocide 

No one can rationally doubt or reasonably deny the singular, yet interrelated moral, legal, political and historical importance of South Africa’s initiative and case brought to hold Israel accountable for genocide against the people of Gaza, Palestine before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague, Netherlands.  

Kick The Flesh to The Curb! – Conquer The World Series

As you envelope these readings, consider how things of old affect us in present times. It’s true that we mostly do not celebrate the formalities of “the birthright” and its structure. However, we have heard even today about the priority of the oldest child. But the birthright privileges can be lost. We see that with Esau.  

Haiti at the Center of Our Moral Concern: Ending the Suffering, Achieving Genuine Self-Determination  

In the midst of our rightful concern and support for the many oppressed and struggling peoples of the world, the people of Haiti must also remain at the center of our moral consideration in ongoing active and effective ways. This is said in full recognition and respect of the numerous sites of severe oppression and even genocidal campaigns against the different and vulnerable peoples of the world. 

The Inseparable Twins: MLK’s Dream and the BBA’s Mission for Economic Justice 

As we approach the celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day on January 15, 2024, a date that holds special significance as it coincides with the iconic leader’s actual birthday, it is crucial that we reflect not only on his dream for racial justice but also on his profound understanding of the inseparable link between racial and economic injustice in America. Dr. King once declared, “The inseparable twin of racial injustice in America is economic injustice,” a metaphor that resonates even more profoundly in our current times. 

Price Receives Overwhelming Support from Community Amid Questionable Charges

In an extraordinary demonstration of solidarity, over 100 clergy members, South Central community leaders and stakeholders rallied around L.A. City Councilman Curren Price, showering him with love and unwavering support as he entered an innocent plea at LA Superior Court on Jan. 8. 

Witness For The Defense! – Conquer The World

Most recently, I wrote to you about the family of Isaac, (60- years-old at the time of their birth) Rebekah, Esau and Jacob (the twins). Allow me to share an important detail with you as it attaches to this segment. You recall Rebekah had a difficult pregnancy, which pressed her to go to God and speak to Him about it and attain His divine perspective.  

Living a Life of Love and Struggle: Keeping the Faith and Holding the Line 

As the edges of the years meet and merge and this year becomes the next New Year, we are asked by our honored ancestors and obligated by the urgencies of our times to pause and ponder the critical questions and issues confronting us, all African peoples, and the world. And we are to do this with parallel questioning and consideration of who we are, what we are to do because of who we are, and how we are to do what we must do because of who we are.

The Need for Real Deal Black Unity Black master teachers, including Brothers Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., Jerome Bennett Jr., Harold Cruse, Hoyt Fuller, John Henrik Clarke, and Sisters including Fannie Lou Hamer, C. DeLores Tucker, France Cress Wesling, and Myrlie Evers-Williams didn’t totally agree on every issue confronting Black folks. However, the one thing that they all agreed on was the absolute necessity for serious Black unity in this country and in the world.  Their beliefs were based on the principle that Black unity was the most effective way to promote and protect our health, economic, cultural, political, educational, technological, and communication interest in

What Difference Will You Make in 2024? 

The hands of time have passed once again to the dawning of a new year.  It is time for us to realize our true potential and really go after it. We do not have to play ourselves small in order to help others feel big.