We can all learn something new and we can certainly learn from past experiences to help us for the future. This would hopefully give us a smoother, better outlook as we move through the day to day continuum of our lives. How can we unravel the past? Detangling what has happened is difficult, maybe impossible. What happens to those who make things more difficult, when if they would stop and consider carefully the matters, they would be better positioned to guide a brighter future. My thinking is really on this: the United States is moving into a new era. The country is divided. Some say this. Others say that. Where is agreement? How can two walk together and be in disagreement? Our country has multiple problems: pandemic COVID-19: huge problem. But, we had problems before coronavirus. Let’s review some of the residuals of the COVID-19: death toll uncountable; (I know the news has been reporting deaths from coronavirus and sickness; expansive unemployment; close of businesses; loss of health; what places to bury the dead; people moving away; violence in the streets and no control; loneliness; school closures; mounting tensions everywhere; quick, unthoughtful decisions; hypertension; shutdown of factories; can’t sit down and have a great dinner as comfortably as before; diminishing of everyday supplies, like toilet tissue and paper goods; mounting anger; global economy [effecting production, by creating supply chain and market disruption; emotional changes; social distancing (which could create problems of feeling isolated). We don’t know future effects of COVID 19. It’s kind of like slavery. Some people think that slavery should not be having effects on people about something that happened so long ago. But things don’t work like that. People have memories from parents, grandparents of earlier times. Discrimination doesn’t just happen and you say, “Well it happened, so get over it.” It just does not work like that. People suffer. Jobs are lost and not even created. It’s a lot and more than what I can speak of here. The residuals are yet to be seen. And before you know it, something else may come upon us. Now that we have looked at some of the effects of coronavirus and a new President is coming in, what are we going to do to change and make things better for the people? What about the homeless? I do become and am concerned about the homeless. There has to be a better way, without having to be drawn into socialism. I believe we can work together to help homeless and unemployed. Large corporations could train people for jobs; teach them about interviewing; overcoming fear. I just believe homelessness and unemployment can be greatly diminished. I cannot imagine having to sleep outside in warm or cold weather, no home to go to; no place to take a bath or shower in the mornings, not knowing where your next meal will come from… What about education and parents right to choose alternative education? It’s difficult for parents to stay at home with distance learning. How about parents having to pay for child care? This is a lot to juggle. Anyway, let’s put great thoughts to what are we going to do? Thanks for reading! Jeanette Grattan Parker, Founder-Superintendent Today’s Fresh Start Charter School 323-293-9826::todaysfreshstart.org; Askdrjeanette@gmail.com
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