We have here a subject that concerns many people, especially those concerned about the welfare of others.
It’s about immigrants. I’m walking down the street and learn that the gentleman who helps protect our schools daily is from Central America and has lived here in the United States. Fascinating story. His name is Pedro.
We have known him for him for maybe six months. I don’t know exactly how I got into this conversation with him. Perhaps prompted by the Holy Spirit.
The subject of immigrants has caught my attention for a very long time. A few months I wrote about “Open Borders.” You might remember Paul said he was a Roman citizen and had to pay a high cost for it. I ask myself, “Why are there so many people at the border?”
I asked Pedro, “Are you from the United States?” He replied, “I’m from Central America.” I asked, “Why do you think there are so many people at the border?” Pedro said, “They are poor, don’t have jobs and resources in their country, and the United States is ‘the’ place where people from all over want to come and be here.”
“But what do you think the United States can do to help the immigration problem,” I inquired, and Pedro responded, “If the U.S. would go and meet with the leaders of the countries where the immigrants are from, that would help the problem regardless of the country they come from; and meet and discuss how they can collaborate on this problem.”
Sounds like a plan to start. I have stated the immigration system is broken and in need of a major facelift. I know of some immigrants who took 10 years to obtain their citizenship! No wonder people want to come over illegally in mass. Not that I’m advocating doing illegal to get their way; but it points up the need to institute change.
They are anxious and devastated about their circumstances. Pedro said he has been here since 1970 and reared his boys here and none of them have been to jail. He said when he was stopped by police and they try to find a record on him, there is none. He said they act like he should have a record. But, not he or his sons have a record.
He said it’s the way they are raised and they don’t have a “sense of entitlement. They know they have to work and earn a living.” Pedro is an upstanding citizen and responsible.
The number of unaccompanied children from Central America dropped to 10,765 in May, compared with 13,940 the previous month, according to CBP figures. The number of undocumented migrants reaching the US-Mexico border has hit the highest level in more than 20 years in the latest sign of the humanitarian crisis facing our current administration.
US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said it caught 180,034 migrants, mostly single adults, in May. The number was up slightly from 178,854 in April and 172,000 in March.
It was the biggest monthly total since April 2000 with increasing numbers coming from outside Central America. This includes countries like Ecuador, Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti and even some African nations.
Writing for the Lord and loving it! Thanks for reading! Jeanette Grattan Parker is the founder-superintendent of Today’s Fresh Start Charter School, 4514 Crenshaw Boulevard, L.A. 90043, 323-293-9826, www.todaysfreshstart.org, (Ask Dr. Jeanette TM) “Inquiring Minds Want to Know.” All articles are copyright. All rights reserved © askdrjeanetteparker.successontheway@gmail.com. References: The Holy Bible. Any errors? Let me know.