“A resounding success” is how Mothers In Action President Tracy Mitchell described the organization’s annual “Read Across America” event where MIA members and community leaders connect with students at South L.A. schools. This year, the MIA volunteers read books and interacted with youngsters at Danny J. Bakewell Sr. Primary School and Marcus Garvey School.
“This day was filled with so much enthusiasm, fun and excitement on all sides. I even heard one pre-K student whisper loudly to her class, ‘Here they come,’” said Mitchell, who expressed special appreciation to Bakewell School Principal Diedre McCoy and Garvey School Director Linda Saunders for hosting the event.
Detailing the items that MIA distributed, Mitchell said, “The students at both schools received Mothers In Action pencils and stickers, bookmarks from the Bakewell Company, and tote bags with goodies from our new community partners at ARCHES, who joined us for the first time this year.”
Although students welcomed the MIA items, Mitchell noted that the “Sparky” mascot from the L.A. Sparks WNBA team garnered the most attention. “I think it is safe to say that Sparky stole the show at both schools,” said the MIA president.
Mitchell also acknowledged the participants and supporters of “Read Across America.” She commended Councilmembers Marqueece Harris-Dawson and Heather Hutt, CD 10 Communications Director Devyn Bakewell, Brandi Bakewell and Tamela Mitchell from The Bakewell Company and Los Angeles Sentinel, Carolyn Fowler and Channa Scott from the office LAUSD School Board Member Dr. George McKenna, Sherlett Hendy Newbill, Fabian Wesson, and “one of our most dedicated volunteers, Trudie Abraham.”
The MIA president also saluted the contributions of members of the Oscar Joel Bryant Foundation, Jamarah Hayner of JKH Consulting, the Nealys, Christanne Fuston of Chase Bank, Illiana Gordillo of City National Bank, Jacquelyn Dupont-Walker of Ward EDC, author and Inglewood School Board member Dr. Carliss McGhee, Andre, CJ, LA Sparks, ARCHES H2, LAPD South Traffic, Ashley Feazell, Elizabeth “Betty” Johnson, and Latrice Slaughter, and the MIA staff.
Read Across America with Mothers In Action was a resounding success because once again the village showed up and out. It is my personal favorite Mothers In Action event of the year, every year. It is filled with so much enthusiasm, fun and excitement on all sides. I heard one pre-K student whisper loudly to her class at Marcus Garvey School, “Here they come!!!”
“It takes a village to raise a child and we are honored to have you all as a part of our village,” declared Mitchell.