Special online open enrollment fairs hosted by the nine colleges of the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD). See list below for online links per college.
If you’re planning to go to college this fall, do yourself—and your budget—a huge favor by enrolling at the affordable Colleges of Los Angeles with flexible class schedules and guaranteed admission. All applicants are welcome!
Qualifying first-time, full-time students can also receive two years of free tuition, plus a free Chromebook, as part of the many benefits of the District’s L.A College Promise Program. Read the L.A. College Promise Program’s digital Welcome Kit by clicking here. Additional information is on the program’s special website. Promise Program contacts per college are listed too.
Open Enrollment for the Fall 2020 Semester continues until August 31, 2020 when the semester begins. New applicants can go to either http://lacolleges.net/ or http://www.lacollegepromise.org/ for application and registration information. Existing students within the LACCD system can enroll in classes via the student portal, Mycollege.laccd.edu, with their student email and password. Current LACCD students who needs help accessing the student portal can contact the Portal Help Desk, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, at (844) 695-2223 or email, studenthelp@laccd.edu. The Help Desk is for portal access issues only, not enrollment. Use the links below for enrollment help tomorrow!
Just like nearly all colleges and universities, LACCD’s Fall Semester will be primarily conducted in a remote learning environment online due to the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency. However, many classes that support careers and education for the state’s essential services workforce infrastructure—such as healthcare, construction/utility and mechanical—will have limited on-campus instruction to complete fall term classes. Those limited on-campus classes are now listed in the Fall enrollment catalog. Enrollment Registration links per college are:
East Los Angeles College – https://bit.ly/2Xzixb0
Los Angeles City College – https://bit.ly/33IszdM
Los Angeles Harbor College – https://bit.ly/31HIMx8
Los Angeles Mission College (Special Time of 11 a.m,. to 3 p.m., Aug. 12)
https://bit.ly/30EXiGX http://lamission.edu/news/newsitem.aspx?id=491
Los Angeles Pierce College. – https://bit.ly/3imyAAW
Los Angeles Southwest College – https://bit.ly/3kGxKkG
Los Angeles Trade-Technical College – https://bit.ly/3gLwoT9
Los Angeles Valley College – https://bit.ly/30LWKPz
West Los Angeles College – https://bit.ly/2DxX0bZ
About the Los Angeles Community College District
We are the Colleges of Los Angeles! LACCD (www.laccd.edu) is the nation’s largest community college district, educating about 250,000 students annually at its nine colleges that serve the residents of more than 36 cities and communities from 900 square miles of Los Angeles County. Since 1969, the District has been providing an important learning pathway for students seeking transfer to four-year colleges or universities while also offering two-year degrees and certificated training programs to Southern California’s diverse workforce in many specialized trades and professions. Follow us on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/LACCD, @LACCD, and on Twitter, https://twitter.com/laccd @laccd and Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/laccd_edu/ @laccd_edu.
Members of the Board
Andra Hoffman, President | Steven F. Veres, Vice President | Gabriel Buelna, Ph.D., Second Vice President
Mike Fong | Ernest H. Moreno | Scott J. Svonkin | David Vela | Elias Geronimo, Student Trustee