Improved relationships between a child and parent leads to better mental, physical, and emotional health. (File photo)

Is it possible that a child and/or teenagers health can be affected by the relationships they have with their parents? If you answered yes, then you are absolutely right.

Socially, we understand that mental health can take a toll on children that do not have the best relationships with their peers. But what about the relationship that they have with their parents?

Researchers have found that children and teenagers who have a strong relationship with their parents, tend to have better long-term health outcomes and tend to be more stable mentally and physically.

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According to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), improved relationships between a child and parent can lead to better mental, physical, and emotional health. The amount of time a child may spend dealing with issues on their own such as social anxiety, puberty, and even peer pressure, can be relieved by a healthy relationship with their parents. Studies also show that substance abuse amongst teenagers are lower when they have such relationship.

These studies are not final, as there are plenty more ways to study and understand how this relationship balances. Small sample sizes, lack of diversity, and different parenting styles are all things that must be accounted for when conducting studies as such. But for the most part, the initial goal of the research, was to link a connection between healthy parenting and a healthy future the child.

Carol A. Ford, MD, chief of the Craig-Dalsimer Division of Adolescent Medicine and the Orton P. Jackson Endowed Chair in Adolescent Medicine at CHOP stated: “Our goal was to establish a clearer understanding of how different characteristics of mother-adolescent and father-adolescent relationships might be associated with a wide range of favorable outcomes in young adulthood.

“The overall pattern of these results suggests strong relationships between adolescents and their mothers and fathers leads to better health and well-being in young adulthood.”

Healthy relationships between parents and their children is one of the ways to achieve good mental, physical, and emotional health. As technology advances, experts predict that more studies will report on how healthy relationships between parents and children can lead to better health outcomes for everyone involved.

For more information, contact a local doctor or a specialist.