Emmanuel Church of God In Christ, led by Bishop Uleses C. Henderson, Jr., is where you want to be during the month of May. Every week, there’s something for everyone to partake in that will enhance their life.
Bishop Henderson, and his wife, Lady Natoya Henderson, invite everyone to come and participate in the powerful services that have been prayerfully prepared this month.
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Elevation Celebrations’ Planned for Bishop Uleses C. Henderson, Jr.
On Saturday, May 6, at 6 p.m., Bishop Henderson will teach the 632nd edition Saturday Night Sunday School. The service will air on YouTube and Facebook Live @snssministries.
Elder Michael Payton is the visionary of SNSS. He is also vice president of the International Sunday School of the Church of God in Christ and the State Sunday School Superintendent of the First Jurisdiction of Illinois.
The Latter Rain Revival is scheduled for Thursday, May 11, and Friday May 12, at 7 p.m., at Emmanuel, located at 1399 East 33rd St. in Los Angeles. The theme is “Lord Rain on Us” on Joel 2:23.
Thursday night’s revivalist will be Superintendent Brian Nelson, and on Friday night, the Right Rev. J. Drew Sheard, presiding bishop and chief apostle of the Church of God in Christ, will preach the message.
“Anybody who needs deliverance or a breakthrough should be at the Latter Rain Revival,” said Henderson. “We’re going to have a wonderful time in the Lord.”
On Sunday, May 21, at 11 a.m., Emmanuel will present “The Upper Room Experience.” Elder Gary Sprewell, president of the International Department of Evangelism (IDOE) for the Church of God in Christ, Inc., will deliver the Word of God.
On Wednesday, May 24, at 6 p.m., Emmanuel COGIC will host the Los Angeles stop for IDOE’s “The Road to Pentecost Tour.” Dr. Dorinda Clark-Cole is the IDOE Elect Lady.
The month will culminate on Sunday, May 28, at 11 a.m., with the Pentecost Sunday service. Congregants and guests are requested to wear white.
“We’re going to have an awesome time in the Lord, so you want to be here,” said Henderson. “For those of you who have never experienced the power of the Holy Spirit or have never spoken in your heavenly language, come prepared and ready to receive. We have been in prayer, and we are expecting those who come to have a Pentecostal experience like none other and for the power of the Lord to overtake us,” he added.
“Our prayer is that people will come out and experience for themselves the true power of the Holy Ghost during the month of May.”
Saturday, May 6 – Watch Bishop Henderson teach SNSS on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/@snssministries1688/streams
Thursday, May 11, watch Superintendent Brian Nelson at: https://youtu.be/YerffCcvfNA?t=39
Friday, May 12, learn about Presiding Bishop J. Drew Sheard at: https://www.cogic.org/about-us/the-executive-branch/the-presiding-bishop/
Sunday, May 21, learn about Elder Gary Sprewell at: https://www.facebook.com/TheOfficialGarySprewell