Michael Evans, Jr. walked through the doors of Crenshaw Christian Center (CCC) in 1974 seeking the Word of God. What he found in the pews of the vaunted church was a wonderful decades-long career and much more than he imagined. He would become a trusted confidant of the late Apostle Frederick K.C. Price, and later be put in charge of the ministry’s Ever Increasing Faith (EIF) crusades, radio and television broadcasts, and even the airplane that would take him and Apostle Price all over the world to spread the Word of God.
This Summer, after 38 years as a faithful behind-the-scenes servant, Evans retires from the church he helped transform and that transformed him. He will continue to worship at the church he helped build, but he will no longer be on the payroll. “It’s surreal,” he said, as he sat for this interview in his office, looking around at all the promotional cups, pens, and other items he and his team created to grow the ministry. “Tomorrow I will be retired. I am not sure what I am going to do.”
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One thing is certain. Evans has no doubt about how he wants to be remembered. “I want to be remembered as the guy who made it happen,” he said with his matter-of-fact style. And God knows this is exactly what he did. Evans worked tirelessly to ensure as he says, “all the Apostle had to do was show up and share the Word.”

From getting Apostle Price’s name on the marquee at Madison Square Garden, to making sure the ministry’s airplane was fueled and flight ready, negotiating to have EIF aired on the Lifetime network, travelling ahead to smooth relations with the Teamsters and ensure venues from Los Angeles to Lagos were ready for the charismatic Pastor to teach and preach the Word. In short, Evans was “the guy” Apostle Price knew he could count on.
It was an honor and responsibility Evans took seriously. “I was the representative of all things CCC and EIF. I was representing Apostle Price. I had to know my stuff, he said. “Years ago, I remember someone saying to me, ‘the church is a business and if you don’t run it like a business you are going to run it out of business,’” Evans continued. “I always wanted to be known as someone who took care of business.”
Evans is proud he was able to help EIF streamline processes, build relationships, grow its outreach and save money. And, just as Evans gave his all to the ministry, the ministry gave back to him. He says he learned so much about integrity, building a strong Christian family, and the power of personal appearance, from the impeccably groomed Apostle Price.

Throughout his tenure Evans took care of many aspects of the ministry. He married Apostle Price’s eldest daughter, Angela, in 1976 and attended the church while working for Southern Pacific Railroad. There, he became the first African American train dispatcher, which was a big deal. He was also a respected member of the Price family, but Apostle Price saw his potential to do more.
An astute observer of human nature, Apostle Price recognized his son-in-law’s relentless work ethic, strategic thinking, and abundant common sense as a volunteer with the ministry. Initially, Evans used his vacation time to help the Apostle with his crusades. That part-time volunteerism grew into a full-time labor of love as an eventual position on staff.
“I held the Apostle in such high esteem that I never wanted to disappoint him,” said Evans who admits he learned on the job. “I humbled myself and asked people what I didn’t know,” the 75-year-old Evans recalled. “I went over and above. I did my homework and did everything I could to make sure things were flawless. I went the extra mile.”

And, Evans travelled the world — something he says he is grateful for — visiting Europe, Africa, Asia and the Caribbean as Apostle Price took his message of faith around the globe. One treasured memory is a cruise he coordinated and promoted that saw passengers being called to Christ in the ship’s disco.
“The disco was one of the most beautiful places on the ship — ornate, eclectic, and during the day, it was empty,” Evans recalled. “So, we would hold services in the disco and the Apostle would call people to the altar to accept Jesus Christ. Can you imagine being saved in a disco?” he said with a chuckle.

Long hours, countless frequent flyer miles, and being a part of something bigger than himself are memories Evans will treasure as he eases back into his front row seat at the Faithdome and savors the sermon now being delivered by his brother-in-law, Dr. Frederick K. Price.
Although Evans says the last couple of years without the Apostle, who passed away from complications of COVID in 2021, have been difficult for the church, he is confident that CCC and EIF will continue to evolve in a way that uplifts lives and honors the Word of God.
After all, as the bible says in Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8: To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven.”
Like his father-in-law, Evans is a consummate family man as the husband of Angela Evans, who both dote on a son, daughter, and three very active grandsons. Evans is also an avid drag racing fan and former windsurfer. He loves all things aquatic — sailing, scuba diving, snorkeling, swimming, and deep-sea fishing. He and the late Apostle dove all over the world, with their most memorable dive being in the Red Sea in Egypt’s Dahab.