Joyous worship is planned as Curry Temple CME Church observes Friends and Family Sunday, on Feb. 19, at 322 W. Rosecrans Ave., in Compton.
According to Pastor Joseph C. Gardner, Sr., the celebration begins at the 9:30 a.m. service. The Rev. Manton Daley, an associate minister at Curry, will deliver the service.
At 3 p.m., the Rev. John Deron Johnson will preach. Currently the pastor of Calvary CME Church in Pasadena, Johnson will be accompanied by his choir and congregation.
Inviting the public to attend, Pastor Gardner said, “Our theme is ‘Family and Friends – Together We Can!’ You and your loved ones are sure to enjoy a spirit-filled time in the Lord.”
The program co-chairs are Fannie Turner and Elliot J. White. For information, call (310) 632-8104.