Mar. 16- 18

California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) will host an experiential three-day group relations conference March 16-18 that enables students and South Bay businesses and community members to learn about the conscious and unconscious dynamics of how groups organize and interact with each other. The 2nd annual Leadership and Creative Expression: A Transformation Context for Exploring Boundaries, Authority, Role and Task conference is coordinated through Grex, a nonprofit that specializes in leadership and group dynamics training and education.

WHEN: 3-9 p.m. Friday, March 16; 9 a.m.- 9 p.m., Saturday, March 17 and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday, March 18

WHERE: California State University, Dominguez Hills, Loker Student Union, ballroom level. The university is located at 1000 E. Victoria Street in Carson. Click here for directions and a campus map.

Led by 12 certified consultants, attendees will explore complex group dynamics to reveal how authority and power, as well as leadership, followership, and boundaries operate in the different group experiences they enter. The conference events are experiential and weave with art and other non-verbal forms of expression to illuminate unconscious dynamics operating in the system of group interactions that members and staff will create together.

Conference outcomes include:

  • Developing leadership capacity in turbulent environments;
  • Improving strategic thinking through a deeper understanding of how organizations reflect their social, cultural, economic and political environments;
  • Understanding how your leadership style affects the group by experimenting with how you respond to the conference’s developing organizational culture;
  • Learning about “under the surface” forces that impact individuals, groups and organizations;
  • And applying these insights to the ways you manage your work roles and your professional development.

The conference will be followed by review and application work coordinated by Grex, where conference participants reflect upon and integrate their experience into their real life.

To register visit, or contact Tara Victor at [email protected] to learn more.