Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science (CDU) is joining with the nation’s other three Black Medical Schools and numerous Black health professions associations in launching a campaign called “Love Letter to Black America, from America’s Black Doctors and Nurses.” This initiative is designed to begin a national conversation speaking directly to the African American community, particularly to address the challenges presented by COVID-19, and to enhance participation in vaccine clinical trials and vaccine acceptance.
In addition to the four Historically Black Medical Schools (CDU, Howard University College of Medicine in Washington, DC, Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta and Meharry Medical College in Nashville), the other members of the coalition include the National Medical Association, the Cobb Institute/NMA, the National Black Nurses Association, the National Urban League and BlackDoctor.org.
“Given the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 upon communities of color, particularly African Americans, as well as the historical—and understandable—skepticism in these communities about our country’s healthcare system, it is important that we have trusted scientific voices to speak for and to Black Americans,” said Dr. David M. Carlisle, President and CEO of CDU. “We are a group of physicians, nurses and health professionals who want to provide the Black community with trustworthy expertise and scientifically factual information with which they can reliably make personally appropriate health decisions. We are proud to be part of this coalition that is working to fight the pandemic and create greater health in our communities.”
The coalition’s YouTube video can be seen here.
Additional information can also be found on the Black Coalition Against COVID’s website here.
For more information, visit http://www.cdrewu.edu/, and follow CDU on Facebook, Twitter (@cdrewu), and Instagram (@charlesrdrewu).