The Brotherhood Crusade is proud to congratulate 38 student graduates on a job well done! These youth, who have participated in Brotherhood Crusade’s Youth Development programs, will be attending four-year colleges, universities and junior colleges.

Learning, Thriving, Connecting, Leading and Working are the pillars from which our youth have grown and are now on a path that will lead them to sustainable jobs and careers that will change not only their life and community but the world.
Brotherhood Crusade President and CEO, Charisse Bremond Weaver said “I am so proud of our young people graduating from high school and continuing their education. Their book of life is an amazing work-in-progress and we are so excited to see their next chapter unfold. We thank all of our supporters, friends, families and foundations of good will who have supported the Brotherhood Crusade and the success of our future game changers.”

Please donate a gift today to help the Brotherhood Crusade continue offering its impactful Youth Development programs. Visit: brotherhoodcrusade.org/donate/
Congratulations to the Graduates!!!
Colleges and universities Brotherhood Crusade students will attend this fall (partial listing)
Alabama State University
Antelope Valley College
Cal State University Dominguez Hills
Cal State University Los Angeles
Cal State University Northridge
El Camino College
Graceland University in Iowa
Los Angeles Southwest Community College
Los Angeles Trade Technical College
Ohio Weslyn University
Oklahoma State
Pierce College
Santa Monica College
Shaw University
West Los Angeles Community College