Pledging to defend residents- regardless of immigration status- and safeguard against potential loss of federal funding, Wesson introduces a motion taking proactive steps

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On the heels of one of the most divisive presidential elections in history, Los Angeles City Council President Herb J. Wesson, Jr., has pledged to proactively fight President-elect Trump’s oath to toughen federal immigration laws and deport millions of residents upon taking office.

“Los Angeles is a melting pot of hundreds of ethnic groups, languages and religions,” said Wesson who represents the city-designated ethnic communities of Koreatown, Little Bangladesh and Little Ethiopia. “Let us lead by example in practicing tolerance and acceptance rather than malice and hostility.”

Wesson sent an urgent letter to his colleagues recently, outlining his intent to create the position of Immigrant Advocate, create a new Ad Hoc Committee on Immigrant Affairs, protect residents against mass deportations, and ensure the city continues to receive all grants, loans and other eligible federal funding. The Council President will introduce a motion on Tuesday, November 22 at the City Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting.

In his attached letter, Wesson signaled he would direct the Chief Legislative Analyst and City Administrative Officer to provide information related to:

  1. Identifying the potential roles and responsibilities of the City Council’s first Immigrant Advocate
  2. Creating the City Council’s first Ad Hoc Committee on Immigrant Affairs
  3. Defining the term “sanctuary city” and how the term might apply to the city of Los Angeles
  4. Categorizing all federal grants, loans, and other funding the city of Los Angeles currently receives
  5. Researching all state laws applicable to immigration and relevant to the city of Los Angeles which may come into conflict with potential changes in federal law

“Although the road ahead is uncertain for the entire country, the welfare and well-being of the residents of the city of Los Angeles is paramount,” Wesson wrote in closing.