Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity’s National Director of Organizational Effectiveness and Anniversary Chairman Kevin D. Kinsey announced that Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity’s 95th Charter Day Celebration was well received and participated by members and honored guests alike. The theme “Rich Past, Strong Renuion, Bright Future” was fitting to depict the 95th Charter Day Celebrations most auspicious events.
The Upsilon Chapter chartered on April 25, 1923 at the University of California Los Angeles boast a who’s who of distinguish alumni such as Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, California Lt Governor Mervyn Dymnally, Los Angeles Public Administrator Randall C. Bacon, UCLA Vice Chancellor Winston C. Doby, Scientist and 1936 Olympic Bronze Medal winner James “Jimmy” LuValle, U.S. Open and Wimbledon Tennis Champion Arthur Ashe, Attorney Johnny L. Cochran, Jr., Justice Bernard S. Jefferson and National Basketball Association all-star, UCLA all-american and coach Walt Hazzard.
Other honored members and special guests included University of California Los Angeles Chancellor and Associate Chancellor Dr. and Mrs. Gene D. Block, The Honorable and Retired Judge of the Superior Court of Los Angeles John V. Meigs, Sr., UCLA Black Alumni Immediate Past President Kevin G. Harbour, The Honorable and Retired Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Sherrill D. Luke, Attorney Ronald Sweeney, Los Angeles based Film Art Designer Art Simms and University of Los Angeles Vice Provost Youlondra Copeland. Grand Polemarch Thomas L. Battles Jr. sent a special greetings and congratulatory message citing that the Upsilon Chapter has left an indelible mark on the history of the Univerity, Los Angeles and Kappa Alpha Psi and the Western Province would not be where it is, without the Upsilon Chapter.
Fraternity member, Assemblyman Mike Gibson of the 64th California Assembly District presented Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel with a Resolution and The Honorable Michael R. Davis, President Pro Tem Los Angeles Board of Public Works Commissioners gave special remarks and presented a resolution and commendation from Los
Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti to both Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel and Undergraduate UCLA Chapter Polemarch (President), Erick Jackson. The Western Province Council of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity also recognized the achievements of the Upsilon Chapter with a Resolution from Western Province Polemarch Gilbert D. Brown III. The Anniverary Chairman Kevin D. Kinsey, in his opening remarks spoke of the great history of Upsilon Chapter beginnings and what an achievement is was in having the events on the campus of UCLA.
He said “We are blessed to have this wonderful occasion in a building dedicated to our 18th Grand Polemarch, wearer of the fraternity highest award, the Laurel Wreath and five-time Mayor of Los Angeles, Tom Bradley.” Other highlights included Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel remarks as to the great accomplishments and journey of achievement that noted members of the Upsilon chapter have demonstrated over the years particulary by their contribution to the communities from which they came and the world for which they have impacted considerable success in the objectives of commitment to the aims and purpose of achievement.
Chancellor Block’s statement that the university would be celebrating it’s 100 year centennial and added how important it was that the members of Kappa Alpha Psi having been established only four years later has helped to provide distinguished leadership, unparalleled accomplishments and diversiy to the UCLA community and to society. The Annivesary Committee members were Kevin D. Kinsey, Chairman, Paul A. Amos Sr. Co-Chairman, Erick Jackson Co-Chairman, Gerald Ossey, Jeff Lillie, Jarrell Davis, Shelby Middleton, and Kevin G. Harbour.