God created our first parents (Adam and Eve) and gave them every resource and opportunity to access His divine blessings with which to take advantage of His blessings. Those blessings still stand. God was merciful and kind to our first parents, even in their trespass.
He gave them coats of skin and clothed them. Their own solution of sewing fig leaves together to make aprons was not the way to the Cross, the pathway to redemption-eternal life. That hasn’t changed nor has LORD God (Jehovah Elohim, our Creator changed.) Okay, then what do we say? What happened???!!! Peeping glaringly into the account from the beginning, what do we see and what have we learned? Most importantly, what have we learned and how do we apply our learning? There are many statements which I find informative; after (‘the fit had hit the shan’) so to speak; in other words ‘after the damage had been done engaging in the disobedience and dramatically acting out the “prohibition” and against God’s word, even though Eve had received the command secondhand from her husband: “Don’t eat from the tree of knowledge which had special properties to impart good and bad. (They already had experience of innocence and knowing good) But, now they knew the forbidden knowledge: bad;: now, listen to what God said to the woman: Genesis 3:13 He said to the woman: “What is this that you have done!” It’s not a question, but a statement of exclaim and alarm from God. In the mind of God, who knows the end from the beginning, I suspect all the aftershocks and aftermath of this trespass, His mind traveled; His thoughts swept through time and space foreseeing the vast consequences of results of violating “the prohibition.” The woman’s response to God was to place the blame on the “serpent,” (Satan), the shining one. The “serpent” duped me; The “serpent” beguiled me. The “serpent” bewitched me. The “serpent” tricked me. The “serpent” fooled me. The “serpent” seduced me. God believed the woman (she did confess her condition to some extent) and God passed sentence on “serpent,” turned to the “serpent” passing a devastating, fatal sentence, crushing blow on the “serpent,” to his HEAD. God’s sentence on Satan still stands.
The sentence is with the utmost humiliation, but just! In the mind of Satan, he wants to not just be like God, but wants to be God. He wants to take God’s place. That’s why the scriptures attest that he roams around as a roaring lion (as a, but not one) with one mission and one mission alone::::to defeat God, take His place and continue to fool God’s creation into denying the only One true deliverer for redemption and that is JESUS CHRIST! There is only one mediator. That’s Jesus! The “serpent” was cast to the low of lowliest “all the days of your life” AND between YOU, “serpent” Satan her seed (the SAVIOR of the world) and your destiny is written: your time to have MY creation suffer is limited. And we can do something right now to help ourselves! In the meantime, it would be wise to know that the “tempter” is the god of this world and sits in the church pews to distort and pervert God’s word and His ways and what the true Christian, knowledgeable leader is saying. Those wise in the scriptures. Satan’s judgement and sentence was at once pronounced long ago and your name, Satan, IS NOT written in the book of life. You’re not there. You will go down to the pit of Sheol forever and ever at the last with your destiny foreordained. Right now many follow your pernicious and devious ways. However, those who choose to do so, they too are given sufficient information and time to retreat. The vital part of you is crushed, Satan, your Head. This is the promise and prophecy. Count on it! Well, I think I will have to come back to this subject, because it’s not finished. Stay with me, please. For those of us who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord, God and Savior and being the Son of God, CONGRATULATIONS! my Brothers and Sisters, grown-ups and children and young adults too-EVERYBODY, THOSE TO COME IN! ITS not TOO LATE. Thanks for reading!
Happy New Year!!!
Ask Dr. Jeanette Parkertm Ask Dr. Jeanettetm www.AskDrJeanetteParker.com; Articles copyright © “Inquiring Minds Want To Know” Jeanette Parker Founder-Superintendent:Today’s Fresh Start Charter School www.todaysfreshstart.org [email protected] Ref: Companion Bible.