This FREE event will provide Compton youth and young adults with an opportunity to showcase their talent, compete for prizes and speak directly with local agents, recruiters and employers. The first prize is $500!  The Resource Fair features local businesses and organizations with programs to benefit the youth AND the community.  The event is capped off in a wonderful Free Community Luncheon.

Compton’s Best, S.T.A.R.S Foundation and Pasadena Tennis are hosting a Resource Fair, Talent Showcase and Luncheon!

Date:   Friday, September 21, 2018

Time:  3:00pm – 6:00pm

Location:  Little Theatre Compton College, 1111 East Artesia Blvd., Compton, CA  90221.  

Cost: FREE!  There is no Entry Fee for the Competition, the Resource Fair, or the Luncheon

Talent Show Sign Up:

Event Contact: Paula Boyd, 1.626.399.2580 or

Compton’s Best has hosted 9 events in the city of Compton including community gatherings, walks, and talent showcases.  With each event our attendance, which includes families, youth, businesses, community leaders, and local organizations, increases and the demand and reception in the community is overwhelming; our last event had over 200 guests.

Compton’s Best is comprised of a smallgroup of passionate individuals, donors, business owners, and volunteers, who see the value in supporting and uplifting the residents of Compton.  The overall purpose of the event is to focus on providing Compton youth, young adults, and foster youth with an opportunity to showcase their talent, compete for prizes and speak directly with local agents, recruiters and employers and to expose them to local educational and employment opportunities.  The resource fair and luncheon provide our young adults, families, and entrepreneurs a chance to network and meet with business owners and community leaders in an informal environment.

After the talent showcase, a free luncheon will be held for all attendees.  The luncheon is generously sponsored and catered by Compton College Catering, Shauntey’s Catering, Chef D’s, Simply D’licious, and Bill’s Chicken.

 Special thanks are given our sponsors Pasadena Tennis, S.T.A.R.S Foundation, Foundations for Youth, Wal-Mart, All Pro Printing and Graphics, Staples, The School Tour, Comedian Demar Randy, FJTR Productions, Equity Productions and Allegories of Me for their generous donations and assistance in hosting this event.

(Courtesy flyer)