Voter registration

Mobilizing for 2026: Chavis Urges Black Press to Act

The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) marked the 198th anniversary of the Black Press, and the culmination of Black Press Week with a powerful State of the Black Press address by NNPA President & CEO Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr., who spoke on the vital role of Black-owned media amid the growing threats of far-right extremism and American fascism.

Grassroots Groups Push ‘Motor Voter’ Bill Aimed at 100% Registration of California’s Electorate

Last week, hundreds of community leaders, advocates, and organizers representing labor, faith-based, Black, AAPI, Latinos, women and youth rally and march were held at the State Capitol. They were supporting Senate Bill (SB) 846, which aims to increase election turnout and remove barriers to voter registration for millions of Californians. The California Grassroots Democracy Coalition, which is the largest voting rights coalition in California, has launched a campaign to enfranchise 4.7 million unregistered voters through SB 846. This bill, also known as the Motor Voter bill, was authored by state Senators Caroline Menjivar (D-Chino) and Monique Limón (D-Santa Barbara). The

VOTE – Your Voice Matters!  

Help all eligible people know about their right to vote – especially those impacted by the justice system. 

Haynes Moves Ministry from Pulpit to Streets to Political Suites

The Rev. Dr. Frederick Douglass Haynes III, the visionary pastor of the 12,000-member Friendship-West Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, aims to keep Black achievements at the forefront of nation’s conscious, particularly in the area of voting rights.

Sentinel Exclusive: Coronavirus or Not, 2020 Census, Presidential Election Will Still Occur

“The COVID-19 pandemic is changing our lives. We face a health crisis, an emerging economic crisis and more than ever, a crisis to our democracy. As we adapt to new norms to protect ourselves and our loved ones, we must adapt how we conduct our elections,” she wrote.  Her wide range of recommendations included expanded online voter registration, multi-lingual voter education campaign, prepaid postage on ballots and applying Center for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines to polling locations.

ALERT: Don’t Forget You Can Now Vote!

Voting began on February 22. Many vote centers have opened for an 11-day period on February 22. However, all vote centers will open on Saturday, February 29, 2020 up until Election Day. L.A. County voters can vote at ANY vote center in the county. Where to Vote:  Your voting location may have changed. To find the vote center nearest you: Visit click on the “Find a Vote Center Near You” button. Call the Los Angeles County Registrar‐ Recorder/ County Clerk at (800) 815‐2666, option 1.  Call the City Clerk‐ Election Division at (213) 978‐0444.  Check your Vote Center Location

Record 19.6 Million Californians Registered to Vote

 Secretary of State Alex Padilla released the final statewide Report of Registration ahead of the November 6, 2018, Statewide General Election. An all-time record of 19,696,371 Californians were registered to vote at the 15 day voter registration deadline on October 22, 2018. This is an increase of 1,892,548 registered voters since the last Gubernatorial Election (2014). 

FAME Hosts #Votefest in Hopes of Registering 10,000 New Voters

First AME Church of Los Angeles is making a bold move to register 10,000 new voters by the mid-term election on Nov. 13.  The initiative, headed by FAME Pastor J. Edgar Boyd, is part of the African American Get – Out The Vote (AAGTV) campaign to increase voter registration by 10 percent. To kick-off their effort, Boyd and FAME members hosted #VoteFest on September 30, in collaboration with Corvette of Choice Club, the United in Peace Foundation Bikers and other specialty car clubs. The event, which also included a rally and resource fair, featured more than scores of motorcycles and classic

Home-grown reactionaries, not Russians, are greatest threat to our elections

This past weekend, we once again gathered in Selma, Ala., to commemorate “Bloody Sunday,” the March 7, 1965, march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge that was savagely put down by police. That march – and the march from Selma to Montgomery that followed under federal protection – helped galvanize public support for the Voting Rights Act that President Lyndon Johnson signed into law that year. Now the right to vote is under systematic assault once more. In Shelby County v. Holder, five activist right-wing Supreme Court judges in 2013 ignored precedent and the will of the overwhelming majority of Congress

Weapon of Mass Deception: Shut Down Trump’s Sham Voting Fraud Commission

Throughout his campaign, President Trump trumpeted the baseless claim that our nation’s elections are riddled with voter fraud. He has repeatedly blamed his gaping three million plus-popular vote deficit on a phantom horde of illegal voters. He complained, without evidence and unfairly maligned wide swaths of communities.