How to Protect Yourself and Your Family During RSV Season
Sweater weather, fall leaves, and pumpkin spice lattes mark the beginning of autumn. They also mark the start of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) season.
Sweater weather, fall leaves, and pumpkin spice lattes mark the beginning of autumn. They also mark the start of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) season.
Faith leaders across the state are pondering whether to continue requiring their congregants to wear masks, after California dropped its COVID-19 mask mandates last month.
The percentage of COVID-19-positive hospital patients admitted to intensive care units in Los Angeles County is slowly rising, despite suggestions that the Omicron variant of the virus causes less severe infections, health officials said.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. infectious disease expert, said Monday the nation should consider a vaccination mandate for domestic air travel, signaling a potential embrace of an idea the Biden administration has previously eschewed, as COVID-19 cases spike.
For the first time since late September, the number of people in Los Angeles County hospitals with COVID-19 surpassed the 1,000 mark today, echoing a sharp upward trend in infections and a dramatic increase in the rate of people testing positive for the virus.
Los Angeles County reported 8,891 new cases of COVID-19 and seven additional deaths associated with the virus in its latest data in numbers that likely reflect reporting delays over the holiday and the weekend.
The U.S. will lift travel restrictions on eight southern African countries that it imposed to try to blunt the spread of the COVID omicron variant, the White House announced Friday.
The average daily rate at which people are testing positive for the coronavirus has risen to 15% as of Friday, more than triple the rate from a week ago and nearly topping 10,000 new cases.
The Los Angeles Sentinel had an exclusive interview with Carl V. Hill, Ph.D., MPH, and chief diversity, equity, and inclusion officer for the Alzheimer’s Association. Dr. Hill considered the work behind the study of Black Americans experiencing Alzheimer’s diseases and disproportionate treatment in healthcare.
Community leaders are encouraging adults and children alike to remain vigilant in their steps to avoid contracting the COVID-19 virus.
People traveling during the holiday season can get free COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters shots at LAX on two consecutive Wednesdays — tomorrow and Dec. 29.
Students, faculty and staff at Pomona College will be required to receive a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot to return to campus for the upcoming semester, the school announced today.
Keck Medicine of USC tapped Jehni Robison, MD, to become president of USC Medical Group (USC care). The Los Angeles Sentinel had an exclusive interview with the newly appointed president to discuss her role and her responsibilities. As an empowered Black woman, Robinson provided words of wisdom for the next generation to adhere to.
Los Angeles County reported 3,360 new cases of COVID-19 today, along with 27 additional deaths associated with the virus and eight more confirmed cases of the Omicron variant. The number of new cases is the highest in months, and comes one day after officials announced stepped-up efforts to combat the pandemic, including new rules for attending large events.
The AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) hosted a star-studded concert at The Forum in Los Angeles on December 1.