
Trump’s America By Dawn’s Early Light: Notes on Lynching, Lying and Seeking Justice

Pushing back the thick fog and fumes of the putrid propaganda of White supremacist triumphalism, what can we really see and sing by the dawn’s early light except Trump’s deformed and deficient conception of America unmasked? For all the hype, hustle and hypocrisy around “making America great again,” it presupposes an imaginary past void of its victims and of the violence, genocide, enslavement, segregation and other forms of decimation and oppression they suffered. And such a deficient and dishonest vision also fails to confront the contradictions obvious and oppressive in the lived conditions of current daily life in America. For surely there is no greatness in greed and no virtue or bravery in creating and indicting victims; no freedom, justice or honor in oppression, imperial aggression and betrayal of allies; and no pride to be praised in corporate plunder and predation against vulnerable others and the earth.

California Moves 2020 Primary Up to March and Joins “Super Tuesday” Voting

Early voting in California’s primary will overlap with the traditional early nominating contests in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina. That could force the sprawling field of Democrats to navigate those states as well as California’s notoriously complex landscape, where campaigning is done through paid political ads.

Survey Shows Black Voters Support Newsom, But Not All Democratic Policies

African Americans usually vote overwhelmingly for the Democratic Party, but that doesn’t mean they are always in line with Democratic state issues. Findings from a recent poll of 1,200 African American voters conducted by Evitarus, a public opinion research firm released new data that shares insight into black voters in California.

Assemblymember Santiago and Senator Wiener Issue Statements on Net Neutrality

Assemblymember Miguel Santiago is issuing the following statement about Governor Jerry Brown’s signing of Senate Bill 822 a few hours ago:  “This measure ensures that we, in California, will maintain a free and open internet that doesn’t discriminate or price users or content differently. I applaud Governor Brown for leading the nation by signing the strongest net neutrality bill in the country,” said Assemblymember Miguel Santiago (D-Los Angeles). “California leads the fight against the Trump Administration agenda to destroy the internet as we know it.” 

Obama Tells Voters to Step Up Or ‘Things Can Get Worse’

Former President Barack Obama says the November midterm elections will give Americans “a chance to restore some sanity in our politics,” taking another swipe at his successor as he raises his profile campaigning for fellow Democrats to regain control of the House.