Second Baptist Church

Judge Dion Griffith Morrow Passes Away

Judge Dion Griffith Morrow recently passed away after a remarkable career as a practicing attorney, special counsel, Municipal Court judge and Superior Court judge. He was 92 years old.

Call 2 Worship – August 25

Many uplifting events are taking place in greater Los Angeles. Here is a list of some of those activities.

Call 2 Worship – April 21

Many faith-based and community events are taking place throughout the greater Los Angeles area. Here is a list of some of these uplifting activities.

Second Baptist and Bikers Unite to Pray for Community Healing

Second Baptist Church joined with the Inner City Cycling Connection (ICCC) to mark the birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and pray for healing in African American communities throughout Los Angeles. An hour-long prayer session, led by Second Baptist Pastor William S. Epps, kicked-off the event, which also featured participation by more than 50 cyclists. Also, community members could take advantage of free testing for COVID-19. According to a statement issued by ICCC, the group’s members “cycle through a city where the neighborhoods have changed just like the terrain, we push and pedal towards the mountain top…we

Kimbell Curates Second Baptist’s Black Hair Exhibit

The creative beauty of Black natural hair has been on display during the last two months at Second Baptist Church in Los Angeles. Curated by Regina Kimbell, the multi-media exhibit reveals the history of hairstyles worn by Black women – both in America and around the world – as well as features commentary on Black culture and insight into the industry’s African American business leaders. Kimbell, an award-winning filmmaker, cinematographer and photographer, is a Second Baptist member. With the approval of Pastor William Epps, the church’s Memorial and Historical Commission invited her to design the presentation in honor of Black

Call 2 Worship – January 30

The United House of Prayer for All People celebrates its Centennial Anniversary through Feb. 2, at 1029 E. Vernon Ave., in Los Angeles, said Apostle Rodney Lattisaw. “Sweet Daddy” Grace founded the organization in 1919. Bishop C.M. Bailey, presiding prelate, will be the special guest. For information, call (301) 943-2457. Yes We Can Worship Center invites donations for their distribution to the homeless on Feb. 1, at HOPICS, 5715 S. Broadway in Los Angeles, said Pastor Sherman D. Manning. Donations such as toiletries, clothing, school supplies, gift cards and financial contributions are encouraged. To participate, call (213) 858-2608 or email The

Call 2 Worship – January 23

Holman United Methodist Church hosts the Rev. James Lawson’s Nonviolence Workshop on Jan. 25, at 9 a.m., at 3320 W. Adams Blvd., in Los Angeles, said Interim Pastor Paul Hill. Refreshments will be served. For details, call (323) 703-5868. The United House of Prayer for All People celebrates its Centennial Anniversary on Jan. 30 through Feb. 2, at 1029 E. Vernon Ave., in Los Angeles, said Apostle Rodney Lattisaw. “Sweet Daddy” Grace founded the organization in 1919. Bishop C.M. Bailey, presiding prelate, will be the special guest. For information, call (301) 943-2457. Yes We Can Worship Center invites donations for

Call 2 Worship – January 16

Holman United Methodist Church welcomes the Rev. James Lawson as the guest preacher on Jan. 19, at the 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. services at 3320 W. Adams Blvd., in Los Angeles, said Interim Pastor Paul Hill. Also, Holman will host Lawson’s Nonviolence Workshop on Jan. 25, at 9 a.m. Refreshments will be served. For details on both events, call (323) 703-5868. Second Baptist Church starts the Health and Wellness Church Challenge on Jan. 19, at 1:30 p.m., at 2412 S. Griffith Ave., in Los Angeles, said Pastor William S. Epps. The American Heart Association and WW sponsor the free

Call 2 Worship – January 9

Second Baptist Church kicks-off the Health and Wellness Church Challenge during a health fair on Jan. 12, at 1:30 p.m., at 2412 S. Griffith Ave., in Los Angeles, said Pastor William S. Epps. The American Heart Association and WW sponsor the free program. The challenge includes 12 weekly sessions beginning Jan. 19.  The public is invited and there is no charge to join. To learn more, call Helen Starks at (323) 216-0230, or email Sinai Temple plans a Unity Shabbat honoring the legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on Jan. 17, at 7:30 p.m., and Jan.