
Wendy’s Window-Traveling Opens Our Mind and Our Perspective on Life

Traveling across the country as well as abroad allows one to take in a variety of opinions and perspectives. Understanding different attitudes and points of view can help navigate the awkwardness of sensitive topics that I was curious to discuss. As I traveled through various parts of Italy and Greece recently, I had the opportunity to share my thoughts about forgiveness, humanity, hope, peace, love and happiness to a variety of people and what I found is that all of us have the same basic concerns.  One of those concerns pertains to the direction the world and mankind is headed in today’s political and global climate, but overall people still believe in humanity and that goodness will prevail. 

School virtual shooter training program aimed at survival

Using cutting-edge video game technology and animation, the U.S. Army and Homeland Security Department have developed a computer-based simulator that can train everyone from teachers to first responders on how to react to an active shooter scenario.