
Contracts, Grants and Those Intended to Be Served

It appears that some well known organizations are receiving grants and contracts because of their name recognition rather than a verification as to whether they can perform the needed task.

Who owns our neighborhoods?

There is an increasing prevalence of large, corporate landlords as opposed to smaller local landlords

“How to be Unforgettable”

Most of us are familiar with Nat King Cole’s song Unforgettable.  But have we stopped to think about what does it really mean to be unforgettable? Coco Chanel talked a lot about fashion being unforgettable.

“What Did He Say?”

The universe and its contents has been left under our care. The Creator of the world and all that is therein has made all things. What do you think he has done to ensure that His creation of mankind will take care while He has gone and left everything to us.  He has given us His irrevocable word to read and study as we await His return?