Dr. Jeanette Parker
Dr. Jeanette Parker 

I suspect everyone wants to have a roof over their heads so when the cold wind blows or the baking sun is practically unbearably hot, they can rest peacefully. It’s not always an easy model to follow and we all know this. We see the homeless and know many people have not these necessities, nor sufficient food to eat. (I always wondered about that.) It’s quite difficult to reconcile and correct the U.S. immigration problem. Watching the news and seeing the children and families wanting to come into the United States is difficult and the solution is dim. They are living on “the fringes, not knowing from day-to-day what will happen to them and they are subjected to those who may say or do anything and take advantage of those “living on the fringes.” Of course, this state of mind is nothing new to us. Immigration is only one example of “Living On The Fringes.” The Lord hath called for a famine (2 Kings 8:1). 2 Kings 6:24, 25 (about 801-788 B.C.)“And there was a great famine in Samaria caused by Syria besieging Samaria. “Some might say, “why bring this up now?” The thing of it is this: the coronavirus has a strategy. Just think of this: Upheavals such as war, disease and other catastrophes can be followed by famine. There are thirteen famines recorded in Scripture. Genesis 12:10: “And there was a famine in the land and Abram went down to Egypt because the famine was grievous in the land.” (about 1921 B.C.). You recall the account of the two sons in Luke 15:13 the younger son left his comfortable living, took all he had. After his “luck ran out” and he exhausted all his resources and began to be in want and complete lack. “And he came to himself” after that a famine arose. He had to eat the pig’s food (A.D. 28) Here’s the point, the coronavirus is not expended. The variants are not expended. If you notice, God will allow us to go so far until we, mankind, come to the end of our rope and have no where to go but down, down, down. You recall what happened Acts 11:27, 28, Agabus prophesied there would be great dearth throughout the world and it is recorded that during the reign of Claudius there were several famines (see Josephus . Ant.XXIII).6. Famines were and are terrible events. There was Cannibalism. Mothers eating their own children: 2 Kings 6:28; Deuteronomy 28:53-57; Ezekiel. 5:10; Lamentations 2:20; 4:10. With the coronavirus continuing to rage; just suppose it comes to the place that there is insufficient labor to harvest crops or if the earth refuses to bring forth its fruit. (And of course it goes without saying. But, I will say it anyway): “Slavery is dead! Jim Crow is dead!. No one can fall back these awful options.

What should we do? Do you remember Luke 4:23-24 when Jesus went all round throughout Galilee preaching the good news of the kingdom, healing diseases and sicknesses among the people. All kinds of ailments and illnesses; those in severe pain, demon-possessed, people having seizures, those who were paralyzed. What happened? He healed them all. So, what is the point of all this?

People are still living on the fringes. What should we do? Cry out to the Lord! Ask Him to have mercy on us! Heal our land, O’ Lord for we have sinned! Space doesn’t allow to list all of our sins; not only that but I don’t know everybody’s sins and it’s not my place to know everyone’s sins. However, we know this: There are uncountable numbers who have left the Lord out of their lives and have put things before the Lord. They have basically said either consciously or unconsciously: “I don’t love you Lord.” “I don’t even like you, Lord.

Leave me alone. Go away!” There will be severe repercussions to these Godless attitudes with great, unimaginable suffering. TURN NOW! PRAY NOW!

Thanks for reading!

Jeanette Grattan Parker is Founder-Superintendent of Today’s Fresh Start Charter School 4514 Crenshaw BL-323-293-9826 www.todaysfreshstart.org -articles are copyright © all rights reserved “Inquiring Minds Want To Know” www.askdrjeanetteparker.com -askdrjeanette tm askdrjeanete@gmail.com askdrjeanette.successontheway@gmail.com. the Holy Bible.