After 51 Years, Fair Housing Still an Unfinished Journey
… headline news articles reminded the nation that housing discrimination still exists.
… headline news articles reminded the nation that housing discrimination still exists.
The boisterous voice thunders, “Defeat! Fear! Believe naysayers!” The voice wants to lead you to believe in gloom, doom. Don’t listen. That’s not “the” voice. It’s false and misleading, seeking to deceive; the voice that says, “give up.” We never give up! Never. Never. Never. We listen to the voice of hope; the voice of “I can do it,” the voice of perseverance. There is strength inside you that propels you to and through your mission, dream and destiny. Your inside voice dictates, “Yes. I can do it!” Some persons are only happy when they seek to hurt others. Their
Wellington’s Road
And let us move on in these powerful days of challenge to make America what it ought to be” and to remake the world.
Choosing the right people is the key to…
Black people consider themselves American, not because national status was conferred upon them gratuitously, but because they were here in the beginning
Be patient in life …
Wood and gossip serve the same purpose …
Consider conscience? Killing the innocents–the great unborn, many greats murdered through abortion.
Odu Ifa 11:1 tells us we must, in our most earnest struggle, also model fire without its destructiveness, but with its capacity to make a way for itself.
For us, ineffective, self-serving leadership perpetuates a status quo that clearly does not serve own best interests.
Accessing God’s accessories is not like placing a pizza order.
I’m writing about Robby because his memory has challenged me to make a 2019 resolution.
The Black community’s failure to recognize and acknowledge the need for broad, overall accountability absolves everyone
To really go forward without woeful confusion and paralyzing contradictions, it is indispensable that we work within a philosophical framework which grounds our collective vocation of work and struggle.