Meagan Good

The Wait is Over, ‘Harlem’ Season 3 is Finally Here

Goodbyes often have a negative connation to them when things come to an end, but instead of being sad or mournful, fans of the hit show “Harlem” are encouraged to rejoice in the final season of Tracy Oliver’s beloved series.

‘Girlfriends Check In’ — a new series on OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network — pandemic self-care in a virtual space.

Despite these unpredictable times with the COVID-19 pandemic still doing its damage especially to the African-American and Latino population. There is an Ethiopian proverb

that says: If you pick up one end of the stick you also pick up the other. Standing on this wisdom it’s vital that Black women take the time to take care of the most important person in the world —us. We Black and Brown women are strong no doubt but we have a history of putting others before ourselves and that lack of self-care has proven deadly for us. Deadly for our families, the community, and the advancement in all areas from the largest to the smallest.

CCCCF Marks International Women’s Month with Meagan Good

  In honor of International Women’s Day, the Sisters in Christ Ministry of the Congregational Church of Christian Fellowship (CCCF) will spotlight several diverse and multi-generational church members. The service takes place on Sunday, March 17, at 11 a.m., in the CCCF sanctuary located at 2085 S. Harvard Blvd., in Los Angeles, said Pastor James K. McKnight. The theme is “Steppin’ Out In Faith: Livin’ the Life God Designed.” “We invite the community to join us as we welcome actress and author Meagan Good as our speaker and spotlight the gifts and talents of some of our members,” said McKnight.

Meagan Good, Faith Evans, Laurieann Gibson & More Talk Women’s Empowerment

Meagan Good moderates Women of Bad Boy / #BeautyChronicles women’s empowerment brunch in Los Angeles. Sponsored by ORS Olive Oil and Walgreens, the tour seeks to help women defy stereotypes and be the best version of themselves!

Correspondent: Brittany K. Jackson
Journalist/Videographer/Film Editor