Hazel Harris’ Traveling Museum Spotlights Black Inventors

Aiming to educate her 6th grade students about the contributions of African Americans, retired teacher Hazel Harris launched her Black Inventors Traveling Museum in 1980.  Forty-five years later, her collection of artifacts, relics, artwork and printed pieces continue to inform and enlighten viewers.

UTLA Endorses Hendy-Newbill for LAUSD Board District 1

Sherlett Hendy-Newbill recently gained a key endorsement from United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) for Los Angeles Unified School District Board District 1, adding to her backing by the L.A. Times, L.A. Sentinel and L.A. County Democratic Party. 

Kaiser Permanente Awards $40,000 Grant to Waters Employment Preparation Center

Kaiser Permanente Downey Medical Center on May 10, presented LAUSD’s Maxine Waters Employment Preparation Center with a $40,000 community health grant aimed at helping students pursue healthcare careers as Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVNs). The new funding will enable LAUSD to purchase brand new training materials for its free Vocational Nursing Program that primarily serves students in Watts. These include Smart Scopes, Integrated Diagnostic Systems, CPR mannequins, and virtual reality medical training gear, all of which are essential equipment needed as part of the students’ LVN training program. Related Stories Clippers HBCU Night Unifies Alums, Informs Youth Lara Adekoya is Bringing

Toni Klugh: Destined for Community

Toni Klugh is in her fifth year as principal of Community Magnet Charter School, a National Blue Ribbon and California Distinguished Elementary School located in Bel-Air neighborhood of Los Angeles.