LA County

African Americans Still Facing Higher COVID-19 Related Death Rate

Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti is interested in forming a Task force prioritizing Underserved communities. Monday, April 27, the City of Los Angeles heard from its Mayor, Eric Garcetti, as he shared the latest news surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak in L.A. and the surrounding areas. Mayor Garcetti addressed many concerns, such as the time expectancy Los Angeles will re-open the economy and on the higher death rate found in African American Communities.   Mayor Garcetti reviewed the updated data surrounding COVID-19; he reiterated the significance of testing and how they guide the course of his decisions.  He provided principles that align

African Americans still facing higher COVID-19 Related Death Rate

Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti interested in forming a Taskforce prioritizing Underserved communities. Monday, April 27. The City of Los Angeles heard from Mayor Eric Garcetti. He shared the latest news surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak in L.A. and the surrounding areas. Mayor Garcetti addressed many concerns, such as the time expectancy Los Angeles will re-open the economy and o the higher death rate found in African American Communities. Mayor Garcetti reviewed the updated data surrounding COVID-19, he reiterated the significance of testing and how they guide the course of his decisions. Eric Garcetti provided principles that align with the county department’s

Facing deep impacts from COVID-19, Los Angeles County unveils recommended budget for 2020-21

Los Angeles County Chief Executive Officer Sachi A. Hamai has released the County’s 2020-21 recommended budget, a $35.5 billion spending plan expected to undergo extensive changes in the months ahead as revenues decline and costs rise due to the COVID-19 emergency. The County expects an estimated $1 billion drop in revenues as it concludes the current fiscal year, and anticipates an additional $1 billion-plus revenue decline in 2020-21. Those shortfalls, combined with increased spending to respond to the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis, will shape the budget as it makes its way through a months-long process with the adoption of the budget

L.A. County Fire Chief Daryl L. Osby Hosts Coronavirus Q&A on Instagram Live

During that chat, he also formally announced the launch of a new program that will allow first responders in L.A. County to virtually correspond with healthcare providers and receive real-time advice on how a patient with mild symptoms of COVID-19 can treat at home. Referred to as the Telemedicine Program, the video-conferencing tool is being used to minimize exposure and alleviate the volume of responses to those with mild symptoms while providing at-home solutions for care and recovery.

Census Day Is Here in Southern California – Make It Count!

The U.S. Constitution mandates a census of the population every 10 years. Responding to the 2020 Census is easy, safe and important, and is key to shaping the future of communities. Census statistics are used to determine the number of seats each state holds in the U.S. House of Representatives and informs legislative district boundaries. They also inform how hundreds of billions of dollars in public funds are allocated by state, local and federal lawmakers to communities for public services and infrastructure like hospitals, emergency services, schools and bridges each year over the next 10 years.

L.A. County unable to extend property tax deadline for property owners during COVID-19 pandemic

Monday, March 30. Los Angeles city officials publicized latest updates surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. The county has partnered with local cities to secure additional hotels and motels to be used for multiple functions at this time. The Los Angeles tax collector and treasurer disclosed more information about payment arrangements for property tax, as we approach the deadline on April 10. The Emergency Operations center remains to be the focal resource for information during this time of crisis.

South LA Construction Career Academy Prepares Students for In Demand Construction Jobs

Los Angeles Urban League’s Construction Career Academy (CCA) held its first class of the new year this past week with a full house of diverse men and women of all ages looking to get into a construction trade.  CCA and many other workforce development programs are trying to fill employment gaps as labor shortages continue to plague the construction industry.

Public Defender Leads $1.2 Million Mental Health Diversion Grant

  The LA County Public Defender’s Office is the lead agency for a $1.2 million grant to divert people suffering from mental illness out of jail and into treatment. LA County has been awarded the two-year grant from the MacArthur Foundation to directly address the over-incarceration of the mentally ill.

LA County Reduces Voter Hassle with Revamped System

Voter suppression is a term used to describe underlying attempts to influence the turnout and demographics around an election. Voting times set during prime working hours, limited language assistance in polling locations, and obscure information on voting methods are just a few living testimonials that plague the current ballot system. LA County has studied multiple cases and conducted a number of diverse focus groups in search for a repellant to negative voter experiences. California is a pioneering state, it is only natural for Los Angeles to enter a new frontier of casting ballots. Introducing the Vote Center Placement Project, an innovative answer to the question on how to improve voter turnout. From digital user-friendly polling stations to mobile voting trucks, Los Angeles is leaving no room for a missed ballot opportunity in 2020.