Fred Ali

Black Lines Matter: The Fight Over Redistricting Lines in Los Angeles

: Council Districts (CDs) 8, 9 and 10 saw minimal changes in the final draft map to be submitted to the Los Angeles City Council by the Redistricting Commission. The adopted draft map, which passed by a 15-6 vote, featured adjustments to the three CDs with the city’s highest numbers of voting age African Americans. Most notably, Exposition Park is now located in CD 8.

2020 Census Reveals 2.9% Increase in L.A.’s Black Population

The statistics were disclosed at a special meeting of the L.A. City Council Redistricting Commission on August 19. The commission is charged with using census data to recommend a redistricting plan that outlines the boundaries of council districts (CDs) and each area should be largely equal in population.

Prominent Civil Rights Leader John Mack Remembered

A prominent leader wherever he went, Mack was well known for his transformative work with the Los Angeles Urban League, which he revitalized and used to aid 100,000 people annually. He made a tremendous impact on the Los Angeles community and others around the nation. His legacy stretches from Washington, D.C. to Michigan, from Atlanta to North Carolina. Mack’s activism and dedication to improving the livelihood of others was mentioned throughout the service.