
Big Insurance Must Help End Surprise Medical Billing

Known as “surprise medical billing,” these unexpected costs arise when a patient goes to a hospital for emergency or non-emergency care, only to find out afterwards that one of the medical providers who administered care was not covered in the patient’s insurance network.

CDU and APLA Health Host Rare ‘Indoor Ground Breaking’ On New Health Facility

Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science (CDU) and APLA Health (APLA) officially announced plans to move forward on a new building located on the CDU campus that would house a new CDU Wellness Center and an APLA clinic during a symbolic “indoor ground breaking” ceremony on Wednesday, December 4, 2019. Plans for the upcoming 10,000 square-foot facility were formalized with a signed agreement between the two organizations in February 2019.

Tennessee Student is Centennial Scholar Recipient of Ossie Davis Scholarship

Earlier this month, after a rigorous selection process, the family of the late actors and activists, together with the United Negro College Fund (UNCF), announced that Lane College senior, Jade Allen, is the recipient of the Ossie Davis Legacy Scholarship. “We are always motivated by mom and dad’s love of education and what a struggle it was for each of them to get higher education and the sacrifices that their parents made,” Davis Day told NNPA Newswire.