
Ingenium Charter Schools Hosts Open House for Prospective Parents

Ingenium Charter Schools will host an open house event at their Clarion Charter Middle School, 7330 Winnetka Ave., in Los Angeles on March 29. The event will run from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and affords an opportunity for parents to engage with the Ingenium community and learn about the school’s unique approach to education.

Far-Right School Board Candidates: “We’ll Be Back” 

Back in August, I wrote that getting “back-to-school” this year would also mean getting back to fighting far-right attacks on education.  The threats included a rising number of efforts to ban books, and the Right’s efforts to take over local school boards. 

Teacher Shortages are Real, But Not for the Reasons You Heard

Everywhere, it seems, back-to-school has been shadowed by worries of a teacher shortage. The U.S. education secretary has called for investment to keep teachers from quitting. A teachers union leader has described it as a five-alarm emergency. News coverage has warned of a crisis in teaching. In reality, there is little evidence to suggest teacher turnover has increased nationwide or educators are leaving in droves. Certainly, many schools have struggled to find enough educators. But the challenges are related more to hiring, especially for non-teaching staff positions. Schools flush with federal pandemic relief money are creating new positions and struggling

The Person Has Been Rated RESILIENT

Resilient Walker is the title of all things – Dr. Shree Walker’s book, the name of her company, as well as the word’s the educator, motivational speaker, and CEO lives by.