Dr. Anna Julia Cooper

Taking Tuesday in Stride: Waking Up Wednesday Still in Struggle

As we wait for the final results of the 2020 election, I refer us to the article I wrote in 2016 under similar circumstances. And the point remains, whatever happens, the struggle will and must continue. No matter how things go down Tuesday night, we must wake up Wednesday morning still in struggle and reaffirm without unrealistic hope or paralyzing horror, that there is still much to do and it is up to us to do it. For indeed, as we always said, the time is now, there is no other; struggle is the way forward, there is no alternative; and we are the ones, there’s no avoiding it.

Sojourner For A Season: Truth-Speaker For Life

This is in rightful sankofa remembrance and raising up again our foremother, Sojourner Truth, fearless truth speaker who declared with great courage and conviction that she would not run away and hide from the devil but face him. And defeat his evil intentions and enslaving impositions on her and her people and open up righteous ways to move forward in the interest of history and humankind.