L.A. Ministries to Observe ‘No Menthol Sunday’ on May 21
Ministries across greater Los Angeles will observe No Menthol Sunday on May 21, to educate church and community members about smoking, vaping and the role of menthol and other flavors.
Ministries across greater Los Angeles will observe No Menthol Sunday on May 21, to educate church and community members about smoking, vaping and the role of menthol and other flavors.
It’s been two decades of work on behalf of the community, but the members of Cynthia Perry Ray Foundation (CPRF) are not tired yet. In fact, the outreach nonprofit of the Gardena Valley & Vicinity Ministers’ Wives and Widows Sisterhood Connection is preparing to mark their 20th anniversary at their 11th Annual Awards Musical/Scholarship Presentation. The Zoom event will be held on Sunday, April 25, at 2 p.m. The Zoom I.D. is 954 8319 2587. The theme is “Providing a Ray of Sunshine Through the Gift of Encouragement.” Also, several people will be recognized for their outstanding contributions to the
Fulfilling its mission to promote preventative health initiatives, the Cynthia Perry Ray Foundation will sponsor a Zoom workshop, “Cancer Survivorship and Caregiving,” on Saturday, Feb. 27, from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The free event is part of CPR’s Sistahs Can We Talk Monthly Nurse Series. Four speakers are scheduled to address various aspects of the topic, said Dr. Kathye Jenkins, CPR founder. They are Justine Obiakor, a health educator with the California Health Collaborative’s Every Woman Counts program; Dr. Nicole Robinson, founder of Hatz 4 Hearts Foundation; Pastor Rhonda Holbert, Celebrate Life Cancer Ministry; and Lady Jacqueline Hammond, a
A panel of experts will headline the “Brothers Talk Too Virtual Men’s Conference,” which takes place on Saturday, June 20, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Zoom and Facebook Live. The event, hosted by the Cynthia Perry Ray Foundation, is a component of the organization’s Witness2Fitness Health and Awareness Initiative. The main goal of the effort is to promote good health among men pants in the Black community through education and reduction interventions and programs. “To reduce gender inequalities in minority males, CPRF is bringing together men from various locations, occupations and denominations with noted healthcare professionals. This event
Letisa Y. Vereen, national president of the National Association of University Women (NAUW), has appointed Dr. Kathye D. Jenkins as the organization’s new national chaplain. Jenkins is the founder of the Cynthia Perry Ray Foundation and the Gardena Valley and Vicinity Ministers’ Wives and Ministers’ Widows Sisterhood Connection. Also, she is a member of the NAUW Santa Monica Branch under the leadership of president Yvonne Meredith. For the past few years, NAUW-SM has collaborated with the CPRF’s Witness2Fitness Health and Wellness Awareness. In addition, the branch will participate in the program’s official launch next month in houses of worship throughout
Union Rescue Mission holds a groundbreaking ceremony for Angeles House on Feb. 28, at 11 a.m., at 13200 Avalon Blvd., in Los Angeles, said Rev. Andy Bales, CEO. The new bridge facility will provide housing for 86 families when completed. For details, call Kitty Davis-Walker at (213) 673-4585 or (213) 507-5562. First United Methodist Church of Compton has fish dinners available every Friday, from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m., at 1025 S. Long Beach Blvd., in Compton, said Pastor Arnetha Inge. The United Methodist Men sponsors the event. A choice of catfish or red snapper is offered, along with side
Scores of people came out to hear Dr. Melvina Jones, seated, read excerpts of her new book, “Roxboro Roots – North Carolina Families Leave Their Imprint on America’s Story.” Dr. Kathye Jenkins, founder/president of the Cynthia Perry Ray Foundation, joined the crowd at Word of Life Christian Bookstore on Aug. 10, to receive a signed copy of the book, which tells the impact that Jones’ family had on American history. “Roxboro Roots” is available at Word of Life as well as all digital platforms.
What is your name and what is your ministry? My name is Diane Mitchell Henry and I am a community social entrepreneur. How did you get started in it? When I was a young girl, I use to travel to church conventions and revivals with my grandmother, Annie Troy, an evangelist. I was exposed to down-home folks committed to addressing the social issues that impacted the local community and around the world. Church engagement was serious civic engagement during the early 1950’s. It was more than just enjoying tea parties, fried chicken dinners and hand clapping to gospel music. I saw my
The Cynthia Perry Ray Foundation (CPRF) increased its campaign to improve the health L.A.-area residents by urging churches to spread the wellness message with their congregations. Hosting a community gathering on June 27, CPRF president Dr. Kathye Jenkins and the group’s Witness2Fitness team held an open meeting with pastors and representatives of more than 40 houses of worship. CPRF’s goal was to connect churches with information and resources for healthy, spiritual and sustainable living. “We have brought together faith leaders, healthcare providers and other agencies to consider being part of a sustainable development agenda to improve health and wellness,” said
Second Baptist Church sponsors Jazzy Fryday on June 21, at 7 p.m., at 2412 Griffith Ave., in Los Angeles, said Pastor William S. Epps. Woody Woods Big Band will featured and a presentation honoring “Fathers and Mentors.” The donation is $25, which includes a fish dinner. To RSVP, call (213) 748-0318. “Don’t Pray For Your Boaz, Pray For Your Joey!” book release takes place on June 22, at 3:30 p.m., at 1114 S. Los Angeles St., in Los Angeles, said Chenelle Jackson, author. The faith-based book offers dating guidance to single mothers and single women. The event is open to the
Healthy living, educational enrichment and societal inequities will be some of the topics highlighted at the “Sistahs, Can We Talk” Women’s Conference. The symposium, hosted by the Cynthia Perry Ray Foundation (CPR) Witness 2 Fitness Health and Wellness Outreach, takes place on Saturday, Jan. 12, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and a range of speakers will be on hand to share insight into improving the health of women of all ages. “Our goal with this conference is to create an uplifting, enlightening experience for those in attendance, to empower them to take hold of their own well-being, both mental
Event saluted legacy of the former slave who donated land in 1872 to establish First AME Church of L.A. The 200th birthday of Bridget “Biddy” Mason sparked a big celebration in downtown Los Angeles on Aug. 11. The Women’s Group of Greater Los Angeles County (WGGLA) joined with the Cynthia Perry Ray Foundation (CPRF) to recognize the legacy of Mason, a former slave, nurse, philanthropist and real estate entrepreneur, who donated the land in 1872 to establish First AME Church of L.A. The event, officially called the 4th Annual Call For Boldness, was held at the Biddy Mason Memorial Park
Park Hills Community Church, Reformed Church in America, celebrates their 31st Annual Women’s Day on May 20, at 11 a. m., at 5247 Overdale Drive in Los Angeles, said Pastor Lawrence K. Dove. The theme is “Women of God, Believing in the Power of Prayer and Praise,” based on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24. The Rev. Dr. Arnetha E. Bell-Inge, pastor of First United Methodist Church in Compton, will be the guest preacher. Noted composer and educator Professor Iris Stevenson will direct the Women’s Day Chorus. Minister Yolanda Dove is president of the Women’s Ministries and Mrs. Reva Turner is event chair. For
Carson Community Deliverance Center Church holds a special Mother’s Day Prayer Service on May 12, at 10 a.m., at 555 E. 220th St., in Carson. The public is invited to attend for worship and prayer. For information, call (310) 835-7905. Ward AME Church sponsors a Pentecost Revival on May 16, at 7 p.m., at 1177 W. 25th St. in Los Angeles, said Pastor John E. Cager III. The Rev. James Arthur Rumph, pastor of Grant AME Church – L.A., is the revivalist. At 6 p.m., the Rev. Richad Reed will lead a ministry study on recovery and addiction. To
Rev. ‘Gil’ Fears Salute takes place on May 4, at 7 p.m., at Greater Ebenezer Baptist Church, 5300 South Denker Ave., in Los Angeles. The Rev. DeNon A. Porter is the host pastor. Fears hosts “Edna Tatum’s Gospel Classics” on KPFK 90.7 FM. Performers include the Greater Ebenezer Baptist Church Choirs, the Los Angeles Chapter – GMWA, the Los Angeles Contemporary Adults, Kenneth Glover, Henry Jackson, Lady Rose Neal and Maran Elizabeth Pittman. To learn more, call Quaford Coleman at (323) 846-1950. Cynthia Perry Ray Foundation sponsors “Brothers Talk Too Men’s Conference” on May 5, at 10 a.m., at