city of Compton

Compton High Students Meet Lakers Legend

NBA Hall of Famer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar invited students from Compton High School to attend the Lakers’ game on Friday to celebrate Black History Month. The students had completed Ever Fi 306—African American History, a computer-based course offered at the high school. One of the requirements of the course was to complete one essay. “We basically had to choose two topics out of the whole assessment and we had to compare and contrast them and say how was it important to us and how does it affect us,” said high school senior Seanece Watson. “My topic was the Bus Boycott and

City of Compton Announces Opening of Winter Shelter Program

In anticipation of severe weather due to El Niño, the city of Compton has announced the opening of their Winter Shelter Program. The program will operate through March 31, 2016 and provides meals, access to showers and transportation to and from shelter locations for participants.