This Week in Black History (July 2)
(July 2) 2001- Robert Tools became the first recipient in the world to receive an AbioCor, a self contained artificial heart, at Saint Thomas hospital in Louisville, Kentucky.
(July 2) 2001- Robert Tools became the first recipient in the world to receive an AbioCor, a self contained artificial heart, at Saint Thomas hospital in Louisville, Kentucky.
June 25 1968- Lincoln Alexander became the first African American Member of Parliament in the Canadian Parliament. June 26 1967- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was denied freedom of speech in Chicago area churches because of the accusations of being a radical preacher. Friendship Baptist Church, located in Chicago’s Westside, was the only church that allowed King to speak on civil rights. June 27 1890- George Dixon became the first Black to hold a world title in boxing. Dixon beat Nunc Wallace in England’s Pelican Club and was the only Black present during the fight. June 28 1991- U.S. Supreme