The Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum: A Century of Historic Moments
“The Greatest Stadium in the World” is a living memorial to all who served in the U.S. Armed Forces during World War I
“The Greatest Stadium in the World” is a living memorial to all who served in the U.S. Armed Forces during World War I
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church will celebrate its 100th anniversary on Sunday, June 11, at 10 a.m., in the edifice located at 1062 North Fair Oaks Avenue in Pasadena.
The Walt Disney Company celebrated its 100th anniversary on Friday, January 27th with new experiences, entertainment, décor, and specialty treats for all to enjoy.
Celebrating a history of worship and community service, the members of Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church gathered for the parish’s 100th anniversary on September 10-12.
The Right Reverend Clement W. Fugh, presiding prelate of the Fifth Episcopal District of the AME Church, will be the guest preacher for the Centennial Anniversary of First African Methodist Episcopal Church (FAME) of Santa Monica By the Sea on Sunday, September 12, at 11 a.m., via Zoom. The theme is “Voices: Cherishing the Past, Embracing the Present, Welcoming the Future,” said Pastor Carolyn Baskin-Bell, who also welcomed the public to tune in for the worship service. “All are invited to join us in our Zoom worship center and hear a dynamic word preached by Bishop Fugh,” said Baskin-Bell. “This
The United House of Prayer For All People closed out their 100th year celebration on Feb. 2, with a rousing worship service at their edifice in South Los Angeles. An overflowing crowd of ministers, vocalists and musicians joined with the congregation and the ministry’s current leader, Bishop C. M. Bailey, to mark the enduring spirituality and durability of the denomination. The organization also continued the observance of its 93rd Annual Holy Convocation, which began last year with celebratory stops in cities across the nation. The L.A. services featured participants from several states along with representatives from New Jersey and Massachusetts.
An exhibit billed as the largest traveling collection outside Egypt of artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun — better known as King Tut — will go on display in Los Angeles in March, beginning a 10- city tour to mark the approaching 100th anniversary of the tomb’s discovery.
After a yearlong celebration, Trinity Baptist Church plans to conclude their 100th anniversary observance with a gala banquet and closing worship service. According to Pastor Alvin Tunstill, Jr., the banquet takes place on Friday, November 10, at 7 p.m., at the Westin Los Angeles Hotel, 5400 W. Century Blvd., in Los Angeles. “Dress up and invite your family and friends to come with you and enjoy a delicious meal, fine entertainment and beautiful fellowship in a lovely atmosphere,” said Tunstill, who added that ticket reservations are available calling the church office at (323) 735-0044. The closing worship service is set
The members of Trinity Baptist Church will welcome their former pastor, Dr. Dumas Alexander Harshaw, Jr., as the guest preacher on Sunday, October 22, at 10:30 a.m., at the edifice located at 2040 W. Jefferson Blvd., in Los Angeles. According to Pastor Alvin Tunstill, Jr., Hashaw’s appearance is part of Trinity’s 100th anniversary celebration. Harshaw served as pastor from 1985 to 1993. “We invite the entire community to come and hear Dr. Harshaw,” said Tunstill. “He has preached the gospel of Jesus Christ for more than 48 years. Also, he is a student of the Bible and systematic theology and
I’m sick of symbolic things; we’re fighting for our lives”. Thus, for Obama’s election to be more than a useful symbol for a country unable to criticize and seriously change itself, it must be part and parcel of our struggle to save and expand lives