The United House of Prayer For All People closed out their 100th year celebration on Feb. 2, with a rousing worship service at their edifice in South Los Angeles.
An overflowing crowd of ministers, vocalists and musicians joined with the congregation and the ministry’s current leader, Bishop C. M. Bailey, to mark the enduring spirituality and durability of the denomination.
The organization also continued the observance of its 93rd Annual Holy Convocation, which began last year with celebratory stops in cities across the nation. The L.A. services featured participants from several states along with representatives from New Jersey and Massachusetts. Also, the convocation included parades, concerts, tent services, performance arts, special ceremonies, and historic exhibits.
Bishop C.M. “Sweet Daddy” Grace founded The United House of Prayer for all People in 1919 and built the first edifice in West Wareham, Massachusetts. Over the years, the denomination has grown to 137 places of worship in 27 states and the District of Columbia. There are 3 separate congregations in California.

According to Apostle Rodney Lattisaw, a spokesperson for the L.A. congregation, “One hundred years after Daddy Grace established the church, the Lord has sustained us through the trials and tribulations of growth and expansion. The Lord has blessed us to maintain the traditions of holiness and improve the quality of life of our parishioners and in our community. We directly attribute it all to the work of the Lord.”
Lattisaw added that the ministry continues to focus on “making a social impact on the awareness of individuals to be a committed citizen.” The United House of Prayer is also actively involved in voter registration drives as well as offers scholarships and programs to assist young people aspiring to achieve higher levels of education.
“The United House of Prayer is founded on the principle of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. The Lord has blessed us for 100 years to maintain the traditions of the faith,” Lattisaw said.
The United House of Prayer For All People is headquartered in Washington, DC. The Los Angeles edifice is located at 1029 East Vernon Ave. To learn more, visit tuhopfap.org.