Kanye Omari West: American rapper/singer/songwriter/record producer/ entrepreneur/fashion designer was born 1977 in Atlanta, raised in Chicago, Kanye first became known as a producer for Roc-A-Fella Records in the early 2000s, producing hit singles for recording artists such as Jay-Z, Ludacris and Alicia Keys.
His estimated net worth is USD $250 million and he’s 41 years old. One most recent publicized acts: hugging President Trump in the Oval Office; wearing his power hat “Make America Great Again!, causing much hoop-la. I wonder why? [Kiana Fitzgerald: Complex Weekly Digest] wrote“Kanye Westvisited President Trump the White House Oval Office wearing his hat “: Make America Great Again. Kanye said some things which drew attention claiming bi-polar mental issues.” It is popular to make excitement for publicity.
He referred that his order was really sleep deprivation, not bipolar and thought it could cause dementia years from now. It is now widely publicized that not getting enough sleep does effect memory and sometimes thoughts become cloudy. There are other possible results of not getting enough: weight loss or gain, low sex drive, trouble thinking and concentration, memory issues, high blood pressure. The recommended number of hours of sleep is 7 to 9 hours a night. Obviously some need more or less. Okay, now let’s back to Kanye’s power hat. [Tim McGovern WeekEnd Editor] wrote, “[Kanye West stated] People say if you’re Black you have to be Democrat. I think it’s the bravery that helps you beat this game called life. [not being Democrat] You know, they try to scare me to not wear this hat. My own friends. But this hat, it gives me power in a way. [it sounds like the hat further empowered him.] My dad and my mom separated, so I didn’t have a lot of male energy in my home.”
So, it is here that Mr. West strikes at one of my real passions, children separated from their fathers and mothers. I have to admit, “my father was alive, but separated from the home.” It keeps you wondering “What happened?!” I do know family separation can effect children’s performance. I can do something right here and now to help other children whose parents are separated and no father in the home. It leaves a “void” and a wondering in your mind. Like Kanye said, “bravery helps you beat this game called life.”He’s right about that. I gleaned from Mr. West that you can vote whatever way you want to vote. Your mind does not have to be enslaved with the masses.
My mother taught me, “Just because there are crowds you don’t have to follow them.” “Just because there are loud voices, disseminating a message, it may not be the right message. Make up your own mind. Weigh options. Jeanette Grattan Parker, Ph.D. is Founder/Superintendent Today’s Fresh Start Charter School 4514 Crenshaw BL, LA 90043 323-293-9826 www.todaysfreshstart.org Inquiring Minds Want To Know ©Will You Marry Me© all rights reserved.