Search Results for: American Film Institute

Henri Christophe

General Henri Christophe King Christophe The Citadel In Memory of the King Legends By Yussuf J. Simmonds HENRI CHRISTOPHE “One of the architects of the Haitian Revolution” Henri Christophe (pronounced “Or-ree/Ah-ree Kris-tof”), whose date and place of birth have not been historically established to a certainty, played a prominent role in the war against the French during the Haitian Revolution and eventually rose to become the leader of Haiti. He was one of the triumvirates–along with Toussaint L’Ouverture and Jean Jacques Dessalines–that led to the independence of Haiti at the beginning of the 19th century. The achievements of many historical

SESAC Promotes Trevor Gale to Senior Vice President, Writer/Publisher Relations

Trevor Gale   SESAC Promotes Trevor Gale To Senior Vice President, Writer/Publisher Relations SESAC, the nation’s fastest growing performing rights organization has announced the promotion of Trevor Gale to Senior Vice President, Writer/Publisher Relations. Formerly Vice President, Writer/Publisher Relations, Gale will be responsible for overseeing the entire SESAC Writer/Publisher Relations staff including the signing and development of songwriters and publishers in all musical genres including Pop, Urban, Country, Latina, Rock and Alternative. Gale will also continue to contribute creative strategies to SESAC’s overall business model. “Since joining SESAC fourteen years ago, Trevor Gale has established himself as a true leader

Gordon Parks

Gordon Parks Parks with Minister Malcolm X, & N.Y. Borough President Hulan Jack (Seated); and Dick Gregory (at microphone) A Parks Masterpiece Legends By Yussuf J. SimmondsAssistant Managing Editor GORDON PARKS “He compiled Black history as a photographer/photo-journalist, film director, author, poet and musician.” Gordon Parks was considered a freedom fighter and he said that freedom was the theme of all his work: in film, photography, writings and music. He was an activist and his weapon of choice was the media. As the first African American to work as a photographer at Life magazine Parks used his media savvy in

Keeping It Real: Professor Henry Louis Gates

We often teach our children that if you study, go to school, work hard and remain focused, you will be able to transcend the many racial and social boundaries that permeate in society. That if you stay away from drugs, violence and criminal activity, the law will serve and protect you. So what do we tell young people today when they see an Ivy League Professor, a writer and producer for PBS documentaries, a renowned author, an editor of several influential anthologies, a board member of esteemed institutions like the New York Public Library and much much more get arrested

A Dream Maker Changing Lives

  The single shots are of Richard LawsonThe multiple people in the shot are (Left to right:) Michele Blair Martin, Ryan Jackson, Richard Lawson, Jorge Ortiz, Taylor Hathorne and Austin Jaye April is Alcohol Awareness Month The biggest obstacle standing in the way of most people’s success, is themselves. Richard Lawson, veteran actor, master teacher, and interventionist, knows this well, and it’s why he is called a Dream Maker. For decades he has taught people how to move themselves out of the way to bring forth their talents to succeed in life as actors, NBA players, or in any chosen

Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. The Lincoln on Race and Slavery Interview

Dr. Gates Gets Honest about Abe Henry Louis "Skip" Gates, Jr. was born in Piedmont, West Virginia on September 16, 1950 to Henry, Sr. and Pauline Coleman. Today, he is a world-renowned scholar and educator and the Alphonse Fletcher Professor at Harvard University. In his capacity as a public intellectual, he has served as host of "African-American Lives," a PBS series which employs a combination of genealogy and science to reconstruct the family trees of the descendants of slaves. And just last year, he co-founded "The Root," a sophisticated website dedicated to the concerns of the black intelligentsia. Here, in

Collection on L.A. Journalist Larry Aubry

Newest Addition to in-depth Community Archives on L.A. Black History The Southern California Library welcomes the newest addition to its rare collections on L.A.'s history of community change: records of the work and writings of Larry Aubry, a longtime community activist and columnist at the L.A. Sentinel. Aubry's papers join the many stories of Black struggles for justice found in the Library's archives, from the records of the L.A. Chapter of the Civil Rights Congress to pamphlets and speeches by scholar and activist W.E.B. DuBois, to the papers of Charlotta Bass, an early civil rights activist and publisher of the

Sentinel’s Prop 8 Town Hall Meeting Attracts 100’s for Same Sex Marriage Discussion

In the aftermath of the controversial, November 4th decision of the California voters to vote No on Prop. 8, the measure that would have allowed an amendment to the California Constitution and rendered same sex marriages unlawful, the Los Angeles Sentinel recently sponsored a Town Hall Meeting at Los Angeles Trade Tech College in downtown Los Angeles so that OUR community could have an open, honest dialogue about this highly charged and morally significant issue. The lively Town Hall Meeting, which according to many participants, allowed for the open discussion of topics that are not usually among those prominently displayed

Duke Ellington

 Duke Ellington Born Edward Kennedy Ellington, the masterful music he made and left a distinguished legacy to the world. As one of the most important composers in the history of jazz, “Duke” was also a bandleader who held his large group of musicians together continuously for almost 50 years. In addition to conducting, Ellington recorded extensively and toured continuously year after year, which resulted in a body of work so vast that it was still being assessed more than a quarter of a century after his death. Ellington was born in Washington, D.C. on April 29, 1899, when the nation’s