Nearly 200 people attended the swearing in of the new chief of the Los Angeles Airport Police Division, Cecil W. Rhambo Jr., on Nov. 6, at the Clifton A. Moore Administration Building at Los Angeles International Airport.
The event included the posting of colors by the Airport Police Honor Guard, an invocation from Pastor K.W. Tulloss, president of the Baptist Ministers Conference of Los Angeles and Southern California, and remarks from Los Angeles World Airports chief executive officer Deborah Flint and deputy executive director for Public Safety and Security, David L. Maggard Jr.
Los Angeles City Council President Herb J. Wesson Jr. administered the oath to Rhambo, and Maggard, the former chief of the division, transferred command to Rhambo. The pinning of the badge was performed by Rhambo’s children, Rachel and Cecil III. Rhambo also made some brief remarks before a reception held in the building’s courtyard.