
Voices of Faith at Speak Out at Democratic National Convention

Interfaith Alliance President Paul Raushenbush spent much of his time at the Democratic National Convention canvassing activists, clergy and politicians on the intersection of religion, culture and politics leading up to the 2024 election and beyond.

Priscilla Shirer’s New Film ‘The Forge’ is a Faith-Based Blockbuster

New York Times Bestselling Author, speaker, and actress Priscilla Shirer has touched millions with her books and appearances in “War Room” and “Overcomer.” She’s back with a new book, I Surrender All” and a new faith-themed film by the Kendrick Brothers titled “The Forge” where she portrays a single mother trying to help her son become a responsible Godly man opening on August 23, 2024.

Bishop Robert T. Douglas Passes Away

Bishop Robert Douglas, who passed away on August 5, was the presiding prelate of the 66th Episcopal District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World and diocesan of the Central California District Council.

Ollie Elizabeth Lawrence Leaves Legacy of Love and Service

Ollie Elizabeth Lawrence – community advocate, bank executive, foster mom, and woman of God – departed this world for eternal life with the Lord, leaving a legacy of kindness, compassion, laughter, brilliance, service, and love to all who knew her.

Baptist Ministers Conference Sponsor City Wide Revival 2024

The Baptist Ministers Conference of Los Angeles and Southern California held its City-Wide Revival 2024 last week at the renowned McCoy Memorial Baptist Church in Los Angeles with Dr. R.A. Williams serving as the host pastor.

Second AME Church Marks 116th Anniversary

Second African Methodist Episcopal Church of Los Angeles, led by Pastor Marvin McKenzie, will hold their 116th Anniversary worship service on Sunday, August 11, at 11 a.m.

New Bill Needs Governor’s Signature to Ease Black Job Crisis

As a pastor and community activist in South Los Angeles, I’m daily reminded of how much poverty has affected the financial and spiritual wellbeing of our Black communities. With rising inflation, from food to gas prices, Black folks are being outpriced in their own communities. And because of historic discrimination, Black people face disproportionately high unemployment rates, leaving them unable to take care of their families and vulnerable to chronic poverty, homelessness and incarceration.