Friends and family celebrated as Kathye D. Jenkins, First Lady of Abundant Grace Bible Church in Compton, received her Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Organizational Leadership. The degree was conferred by Newburg Theological Seminary and Newburg College of the Bible on June 12.
The spirit of rejoicing continued Saturday, August 10, with a hooding ceremony Abundant Grace conducted by her son and pastor, Bishop Michael Jenkins. Other program participants were her husband, the Rev. Dr. James Jenkins Sr.; her son, Dr. James Jenkins, Jr.; and Mrs. Michelle Jones, president of the Gardena Valley & Vicinity Ministers’ Wives & Ministers’ Widows Sisterhood Connection.
“I’m always seeking opportunities to strengthen and grow in my relationship with the Lord. Obtaining this degree helps me move closer to fulfilling that goal,” said Dr. Kathye, who also holds a Master of Public Health Degree.
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Active in the L.A.-area faith community for several years, Dr. Kathye has aided many local pastors in launching wellness ministries in their churches. Emphasizing that philosophy, her dissertation was titled, “You Should Be A Witness To Fitness.”
“My focus is on educating faith leaders in bringing about health and wellness education by utilizing their influence in changing mindsets on health matters,” Dr. Kathye insisted. As a health education advocate, she works closely with the City of Hope, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science, and other health entities.

In addition, Dr. Kathye is the founder of several community organizations including the Gardena Valley & Vicinity Ministers’ Wives & Ministers’ Widows Sisterhood Connection, their nonprofit outreach Cynthia Perry Ray Foundation, and the CPRF Witness2Fitness Health and Wellness Awareness. She also serves as president of Los Angeles District Association Women’s Ministry.
As a recipient of the Doctor of Philosophy degree, Dr. Kathye becomes the fourth member of the Jenkins family to hold an earned doctorate. Both Bishop Michael and his father, Dr. James Sr., are graduates of Liberty University while Dr. James Jr. received his degree from UCLA.