Dr. Maulana Karenga

Columbia, Morehouse and the Morality of Resistance: Continuing Struggle, Keeping Faith and Holding the Line 

It is good and right to rebel and revolt against unfreedom and morally imperative to resist evil, injustice and oppression wherever we find it, in this country and around the world. And it is good to know our past and honor it; to engage the present and improve it; and to imagine a whole new future and forge it in the most ethical, effective and expansive ways. 

Haji Malcolm and the Meaning of Manhood: Some Essential Moral and Social Conceptions 

Continuing to uplift the life and liberating model and mirror Nana Haji Malcolm offers us in this the month of his coming-into-being, I want to draw again from ideas and excerpts from my coming major work, “The Liberation Ethics of Haji Malcolm X, Critical Consciousness, Moral Grounding and Transformative Struggle.”   And I want to focus on the issue of manhood, a central concern in his life, thought and liberating practice. Clearly, one of the major points of departure for critically discussing and discerning Haji Malcolm’s understanding and engagement with the issue of manhood and Black people’s conception of his manhood

Césaire, Colonialism and the Genocidal War in Palestine: Concerning Israel, the U.S., Europe and Hitlerian Havoc 

As we witness and work and struggle to end the Israeli genocidal war against the Palestinian people, the century-old brutal intervention and occupation of Haiti, the U.S. and Europe complicity and culpability in these horrors, and the savage oppressions of various kinds across the globe, a critical look at history is morally, intellectually, and politically imperative.  

Remembering Paul Robeson in Righteous Resistance: Freedom Fighting for Haiti, Palestine and Ourselves 

At the center of all our commemoration and celebration of the magnificent and meaningful life and legacy of Nana Paul Robeson in this month of his coming-into-being, April 9th, must always be a recognition and raising up of his deep and defiant dedication to the freedom of African peoples and all the peoples of the world.   A world-renowned freedom fighter and soldier for all seasons, he reaffirmed that he “saw no reason why my convictions should change with the weather” or for “promise of gain (or) threat of loss.” Thus, he stood as Nana Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune described him,

Sustainers and Shapers of the World: A Classical African Conception of Womanhood  

In the midst of the current state of the world with all its faces and forces of genocide, injustice, evil and oppression, I reach back in the practice of sankofa to retrieve and bring forth the timeless ancient ethical wisdom of our honored ancestors. And I do this realizing the awesome unequal suffering of women and children in this month and moment of history and in honor of their defiant and radical refusal to be defeated, to be resigned in despair or to cease their resistance in opposition to oppression and in affirmation of their dignity, humanity and indispensable role

Black People in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Resisting the Progressive Artificiality of Human Life 

It is a wide-spread shared conception that our future is under surveillance and siege, that our present is problematized by big tech, artificial intelligence, and continuing cultural wars. These toxic and toll-taking processes strive to rewrite and erase our history and offer us a false freedom instead of liberation; devices and gadgets instead of justice; and narrow notions of progress privileging the ruling racial elite instead of offering a shared inclusive good for everyone.  

Lifting and Holding Up Heaven: Women’s and Men’s Work in the World 

This is a sankofa retrieval, resharing and reaffirming of the ancient African ethical imperative of “lifting and holding up heaven,” ensuring human good and the well-being of the world as a joint Ujima project and practice of women and men.   It is a fundamental tenet of Kawaida philosophy that practice proves and makes possible everything, that is to say, practice brings it into being, makes it real, relevant and worthy of the name and quality it claims, whether it is love or life, parenting or peace, teaching or learning, art or ethics, science, religion or righteous resistance.   And so, in

Meanings, Mapping and Making History: The Significance and Centrality of Struggle 

It is Haji Malcolm, Maulana (Master Teacher) and constant soldier, who taught not only the centrality and indispensability of knowing history, but also the urgent imperative to map out its meaning and course and make it consciously and conscientiously. Indeed, he said, “We must recapture our heritage (history) and our identity if we are to ever liberate ourselves from the bonds of white supremacy.”  

Being Steadfast and Strong in Life and Struggle: Reflecting the Foundation, Modelling the Mountain 

In this month of invited meditation, making resolutions and deep reflection about ourselves and the state of things in the world, I turn to the teachings of our honored ancestors, founded especially in our sacred texts, the Husia and the Odu Ifa. And I always find in them a rich, ever ready and invaluable source for constant grounding, and for asking questions and seeking answers to the fundamental issues that confront African peoples and the world.  

Supporting South Africa’s Holding Israel Accountable: Rightfully Resisting Acts and Justifications of Genocide 

No one can rationally doubt or reasonably deny the singular, yet interrelated moral, legal, political and historical importance of South Africa’s initiative and case brought to hold Israel accountable for genocide against the people of Gaza, Palestine before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague, Netherlands.  

Living a Life of Love and Struggle: Keeping the Faith and Holding the Line 

As the edges of the years meet and merge and this year becomes the next New Year, we are asked by our honored ancestors and obligated by the urgencies of our times to pause and ponder the critical questions and issues confronting us, all African peoples, and the world. And we are to do this with parallel questioning and consideration of who we are, what we are to do because of who we are, and how we are to do what we must do because of who we are.

Righteous Reflection On Being African: A Kwanzaa Meditation 

Kwanzaa is a time of celebration, remembrance, reflection and recommitment. It requires these practices throughout the holiday. But the last day of Kwanzaa is dedicated to deep reflection, meditation on the meaning and measure of being African and how this is understood and asserted for good in the world in essential, uplifting and transformative ways.