Northern Trust announced that it will make a $50,000 corporate contribution to the Brotherhood Crusade to support its comprehensive, well-coordinated evidence- and research-based community Youth Development Programs.
“Northern Trust is proud to continue and expand its support of The Brotherhood Crusade in honor of organizations 50th Anniversary,” said Northern Trust Los Angeles Region President Michele L. Havens. “The Brotherhood Crusade has played a critical role improving quality of life and meeting the unmet needs of low-income, underserved, under-represented and disenfranchised individuals in South Los Angeles. We are honored to play a role in empowering their life-changing mission.”
The Brotherhood Crusade strives to remove and/or help individuals overcome the barriers that deter their pursuit of success in life and facilitate opportunities for a better quality of life by effectuating improved health & wellness, facilitating academic success, promoting personal, social & economic growth, providing access to artistic excellence & cultural awareness, increasing financial literacy and building community agencies & institutions.
“We couldn’t be more delighted to celebrate 50 years of service to most underserved communities in Los Angeles,” said Brotherhood Crusade’s President and CEO Charisse Bremond Weaver said. “We are grateful to partners such as Northern Trust who has a long history of supporting community organization even during the most challenging of financial environments. Their legacy of support ensure that we will continue to positively impact young people for next 50 years.”